Meet the Team: Austin Zerbach

He’s always on the hunt for the best Happy Hour…

Day One Agency
Day One Perspective
1 min readJan 14, 2020


A very happy Day One to our newest Senior Account Executive, Austin!

Day One Firsts

First job: Hollywood Video. This was right when Netflix took off, so I basically sat in an empty store and did my homework

Video stores?

First car: 1997 Honda Civic. It didn’t have power steering or AC, but I loved it

First childhood fear: Opossums. Don’t ask me why… but they freak me out

Makes sense…

First phone: LG flip phone

Fun Facts

Currently Reading: The Obstacle Is The Way by Ryan Holiday

Favorite TV show: Any political drama (House of Cards, Madame Secretary, Scandal, etc.)

Guilty pleasure: Reality TV

About Austin

Austin Zerbach joins the Day One team as a Senior Account Executive. Prior to Day One, Austin worked at WE Communications where he helped plan and execute product launches and review campaigns for Microsoft Surface. Before WE Communications, Austin was an Assistant Account Executive at Edelman where he supported various B2B tech accounts.

Austin graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in Journalism and currently lives in Williamsburg.

You can find Austin on Instagram and LinkedIn.



Day One Agency
Day One Perspective

We are a digitally-driven marketing and communications agency built to inspire fresh ideas that connect, engage and influence. Founded, March 2014.