Top Five TikTokers That I’m Loving

Adaobi Ugoagu
Day One Perspective
4 min readNov 1, 2019


“Do you have TikTok?” I asked a good friend of mine while recalling a funny meme I wanted to show to him. He shook his head. “I don’t really get the purpose, isn’t it just like Vine?”

This is a common question I get asked whenever I reference TikTok. For the most part, there are similarities to Vine, mainly because it’s a platform to create short videos — but the similarities stop there. TikTok is a place where dance challenges are birthed, where music primarily dictates video storylines, and memes are remixed and created. The platform has more features that allow for users to make everything from intricately directed short films to 15-second clips of their expensive items (#richboycheck). More importantly, TikTok is not Snapchat or Instagram Stories. While Snap and IG are meant to be a social platforms that showcase your everyday life to followers, TikTok is a place for solely for entertainment. To put it simply, you would go on Snapchat or Instagram to see what your friends are up to, and then on TikTok to get sucked into an endless loop of comedy, weirdness, and thought-provoking shorts all created by strangers.

I started to pay attention to TikTok early this year when it was reported that it had surpassed Instagram as the highest downloaded app in the Apple store: 1 billion downloads to be exact. Brands have taken notice as well. Our #client, Chipotle, rocked the platform multiple times this year by kicking off the #lidflipchallenge with YouTuber David Dobrik, and continuing the steam with the #guacdance challenge starring Dr. Jean for National Avocado Day. Additionally, the NFL recently struck a multi-year partnership with the platform. Their content consists of behind-the-scenes footage and highlight reels that have been memed and remixed for comedic pleasure. Beyond the app, viral TikTok videos have broken through to different social platforms, like on Twitter. At the end of the day, the platform lends itself to good ol’ fun and I have also found myself sucked into the infinite pool of creativity. Here are my top 5 favorite Tik Tok accounts:

Brittany Tomlinsin @brittanybroski

You may recognize her as Kombucha girl, famous for the TikTok video of her face taking us on an emotional rollercoaster while she was trying to decide if she liked the taste of kombucha. Her account is a mixture of skits, self-deprecating humor, and occasional singing videos. We love a versatile queen.

Credit: @brittanybroski

Isaiah Carroll @isaiahsbaconn

This guy is the king of utilizing TikTok filters. I first stumbled on his account on Twitter when someone retweeted a video of him using the clone feature when it dropped on the app. Needless to say, it’s hilarious.

Credit: @isaiahsbaconn

Coco & Cici @cocothemaltesedog

Tik Tok isn’t just for Gen Z teens superstars, it’s also a place for your pets to get their 15 minutes as well. While following the #andicanputitinabun and #mrsandman trend featuring hundreds of dog and cat owners making their pets do cute things, I found Coco and her twin Cici. Their main claim to fame? Their ability to stand on their hindlegs on command to the tune of The Chordettes. It’s the kind of content that will have you grinning intensely from ear to ear.

Charles Mallet @charlesmallet

If there was an award for the most wholesome content on TikTok, it would be this account. Grandpa Charles is the grandfather everyone wants to protect and cherish at all costs. The videos feature everything from him making smores to him hesitantly “hitting the woah” to music that is clearly not of his generation. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll keep swiping for more.

Credit: @charlesmallet

Donald Ducc @donaldducc

You guessed it! It’s an account featuring our favorite Disney character as a hand puppet doing everything from singing along to Katy Perry songs to getting outside and playing his favorite sport, all in the iconic raspberry-sounding voice that we all know and love. It’s comedy in its purest form.

Credit: @donaldducc

