Day One Book: Two Months Later

The new way for Day One users to preserve their memories.

Jacob Gibb
Day One
3 min readJun 23, 2017


Nearly two months ago, we launched Day One Book as a new way to preserve the moments captured in Day One. Since then, our users have printed thousands of entries with Day One Book, and the response has been amazing.

“While many people are content to view the ups and downs of their lives within the confines of an app, others may prefer to see their lives unfold in a traditional book. That’s the new feature of Day One that longtime journal writers are going to love — printed books.” — AppleWorld

“I’m into the idea of a well-designed journal that incorporates the details of my digital life in a longer-lasting print format. — The Verge

“I suspect Bloom Built [has] a hit on its hands.” — MacStories

While we still have a few features we want to add, like international shipping, we wanted to give you an update on Day One Book and what it can do.

Using Day One Book

When we designed Day One Book, we wanted it to be as simple as possible for you to print the content you wanted to preserve. With up to 400 pages per book, there’s a lot of space to fill. Want to print your daily reflections but not your work journal? You can select specific journals to print. Want to make a book of all your summer vacation photos? It’s easy to filter pages by specific tags. We’ve also added the ability to print your Instagram photos to Day One Book directly from the app.

Print your Instagram photos and view map data

Our in-app editor makes it easy to customize your printed journal. Pick a photo for the cover, choose colors, and customize the title of your book. Want to see all the places you’ve been? You can add a map for each month’s worth of entries. Day One Book also includes all your journaling metadata, including location, the weather, and activity.

Getting started is easy. Simply open the settings menu on iPhone or iPad and select “Book Printing” to preserve your memories. Books start at $19.99 for 50 full-color pages, and are available in paperback or hardcover.

In-app ordering takes less than a minute

What can you print?

There’s no limit to the memories you can capture with Day One Book. Here are a few things we’ve seen people printing:

  • Document a vacation
  • Preserve your ticket stubs
  • Recap your children’s sports seasons
  • Save a year’s worth of memories

What else can you print? If you’re experiencing writer’s block, or just want some additional ideas of what to print, contact us.

