Day One Encryption Internal Beta

Jason Webb
Day One
Published in
1 min readApr 27, 2017

Last year we started work in earnest on end-to-end encryption. Since then we have dedicated significant resources to its design and implementation. It has been some time since the last update and for that I apologize. However today we are pleased to announce that we have reached internal beta stage for encryption. To give some context for where this puts us in relation to a release, the typical product cycle for a Day One product looks something like this:

  1. Initial discussion and design.
  2. Proof of concept and mock ups.
  3. Development sprints (including weekly progress and feedback with the entire team).
  4. Code review.
  5. Internal beta (Day One employees only).
  6. Public beta (Registered beta testers).
  7. App store release 🎉!

So as you can see, we are getting close to the end of this project. We are feeling very good about where it has ended up and are currently going through a security review with an external security firm to ensure the crypto system we have designed is sound. We will provide more details as we enter the public beta phase. As always, thanks for your ongoing support and enthusiasm.

