A Collaboration Story Between Two NYC-Based Photographers

New York photographers used Dayflash’s new collab tools — and in just a few simple steps — it led to a new collaboration!

Dayflash Blog
7 min readMay 23, 2020


Dayflash user @lauraskills (Instagram username @lauraskills) is a photographer from New York City.

“I’ve lived in NYC for 8 years. The first time I visited New York City when I was a kid I fell in love with both photography and the city. I started with film and really found my style in a dark room, but I’ve just always had a camera in my hand for as long as I can remember.” — Laura Sills, Dayflash user @lauraskills

Dayflash user @dee.nyc (Instagram username @dec.nyc) is also a photographer from New York City.

“I do predominantly black and white photography. I live in New York City which is endlessly inspiring. There’s so much to do and see, my favorite thing to do is grab my camera, throw on my headphones, and go exploring.” — Dee, Dayflash user, @dee.nyc

Instagram profiles for @lauraskills and @dee.nyc

Check out @lauraskills and @dee.nyc on Dayflash… and take a look at their collab requests on their profile page

Dayflash profiles for @lauraskills and @dee.nyc

In just a few simple steps, Laura and Dee were able to easily form a new photo editing collaboration through Dayflash’s new collab tools.

“I reached out to Laura by tapping the like button on her photo editing collab request. We then started chatting and decided that I’d do a black and white edit of one of her photos, and I’m so happy with how it turned out! Creatively I’m always trying to grow and being able to take a great shot that someone else took and put my spin on it. Dayflash’s collab tools tap into a whole new well of creative, and collaborative, possibilities.” — Dee, Dayflash user, @dee.nyc

“Dee reached out about doing a black and white edit of one of my photos from the day that we “met” — AKA the day we were serendipitously at the same place at the same time. It was so fun to see her take on a photo that I probably never would’ve edited in black and white otherwise.” — Laura Sills, Dayflash user @lauraskills

Dee and Laura share how they met for the first time on Dayflash…

Laura Sills: “Yes! I love the story of how Dee and I met. I went to a brand new rooftop observation deck (The Edge) the day after it opened. I was scrolling Dayflash the next day when I noticed a picture of me! Dee posted this amazing shot of me from above looking down over the city. (I had 3 different strangers try to take a decent picture of me and they didn’t turn out great.) I was SO grateful to come across Dee’s pic so I messaged her to see if she’d send it to me so I could post it and she said yes! “ — Laura Sills, Dayflash user @lauraskills

“I was scrolling Dayflash the next day when I noticed a picture of me! Dee posted this amazing shot of me from above looking down over the city…” — Laura Sills, Dayflash user @lauraskills

The Observation Deck, The Edge in New York City… This is the photo of @lauraskills that @dee.nyc shared on Dayflash (before Dee and Laura even knew each other!)

Dee: “Laura and I first met on Dayflash. It can be hard to find other female photographers in NYC so I was happy to find and follow her. But we didn’t start talking until she saw a picture I posted on Dayflash — of her! We were both at The Edge on its second (and last) day open and didn’t know it. She wound up doing an awesome color edit of my shot.” — Dee, Dayflash user, @dee.nyc

Collaboration Image Part 1 of 2

@lauraskills edited the original picture that @dee.nyc captured of her at The Observation Deck, The Edge in New York City (before they even knew each other!)

See this fantastic original photo that @dee.nyc captured of @lauraskills…

And check out the awesome photo editing done by @lauraskills…

Collaboration Image Part 2 of 2

@dee.nyc edited a picture that @lauraskills captured at The Observation Deck, The Edge in New York City (during the same day as the photo above!)

See this beautiful original photo that Laura captured…

And check out the awesome photo editing done by @dee.nyc…

This second collaboration image was also featured by Dayflash and Pr0ject Uno on both Instagram and Dayflash… For a chance to be featured by Pr0ject Uno and Dayflash, be sure to check out this blog post.

And check out the following post that Pr0ject Uno shared about this collab…

So, how did this collab happen?

  1. Dee went to Laura’s profile on the Dayflash app, and then tapped the ❤️ button on one of her collab requests: “photo editing collab”.
  2. Laura got notified that Dee expressed an interest in her photo editing collab request, and then replied to Dee’s collab request by sending her a Direct Message on Dayflash.
  3. Soon after they started chatting, they both edited each other’s photo.

During times like now, photo editing collaborations can be a great way to collaborate with different creators — and expand your network — all from the comfort and safety of your own home!

Reach New Audiences on Social Media (Through Collabs)

Through Dayflash’s collab tools, Laura and Dee were able to combine their skills, and create beautiful, new photos to share with their followers on social media! This enabled both Dee and Laura to reach new audiences on social media (through each other’s audiences!)

Networking While Lining Up Collabs

Dayflash is a great place to find inspiration — and to grow your network — while lining up collabs for now (or for later). To line up collabs, simply use Dayflash’s collab tools to find people that you can collaborate with now or later, so that way you can fill up your schedule in advance with multiple collaborations with different people. The more collaborations you can plan, the more you can elevate your game as a creator.

“The collaboration tools on Dayflash are a really great way to break the ice, especially with someone you don’t know and might be hesitant to contact. I’ve been trying to learn more about color editing and these new tools will make it a lot easier for me to reach out to other creators on Dayflash.” — Dee, Dayflash user, @dee.nyc

“The new collab feature is awesome! There are so many great artists that I’d love to learn from, and being able to have this way to connect is so important — and different from the other platforms out there.” — Laura Sills, Dayflash user @lauraskills

How Can Dayflash’s Collab Tools Elevate Your Game?

Each new collab that you form can help you…

  • reach new audiences on social media (through each other’s audiences),
  • improve your skills and learn new skills (from one another),
  • create more engaging content (that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to create on your own),
  • and attract new opportunities with brands and creators.

Dee and Laura plan to continue using Dayflash’s new collab tools to more easily find the right people for their next collabs while also using it to grow their network with new people who share their same passion.

Did you form an online collab (or an online friendship) via Dayflash Collab Requests?

Whether your “online collab story” was editing a photo, exchanging Instagram or TikTok shout-outs, playing an online game with a new friend, sharing advice or even a FaceTime photoshoot — we want to hear about it! Tell us about it here for a chance to be featured on our blog and social media pages.



Dayflash Blog

Dayflash is a free mobile application that offers a unique photo and video sharing experience for iPhone users. Android coming soon. www.dayflashapp.com