Meet Fine Art and Fashion Photographer Marco Caramello

Dayflash Epitome of Excellence

Justin Werner
Dayflash Blog
4 min readAug 31, 2020


You step off the beaten path and down a side street. Cobblestone road in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, Southeastern France and you’re just curious about what might be behind these doors. You turn a corner and behold; a door opens and an old man begins to step out. This is where the adventure really begins.

“Old Man Opening the Door” by Marco Caramello, shared to Dayflash

Photo by Marco Caramello, Dayflash user @marcocaramelloartphoto

Today’s guest is special in the regard that much of his family has also joined Dayflash. Being a whole family of talent, we’ve decided to include them in the article as well. Let us introduce you to Marco Caramello.

Marco Caramello’s Dayflash profile…

Below: Beautiful depiction of the sidewalk in Italy by Marco Caramello shared to Dayflash

Photo by Marco Caramello, Dayflash user @marcocaramelloartphoto

“Sunlight and shadows game in Cuneo.” — Marco Caramello, Dayflash user @marcocaramelloartphoto

Tell us a little bit about yourself

“My name is Marco Caramello and I approached photography around 10 years ago in order to take photos of my four daughters. This helped me to start as a portrait photographer and easily pass also to fashion photography. The passion for photography led all my artistic and personal growth allowing me to explore new techniques approaching macro, street photography, fine art and much more…. always without forgetting that everything shall be guided by instinct and emotions.
I’m Italian and live in Monaco Principality where I’m now becoming a professional photographer.
For me, photography is a perfect mean to capture an ephemeral moment and transform it in something capable of evoking emotions forever.

My eldest daughter Margherita, showed passion for photography but she is much more gifted in managing short videos. We are now spending time together practicing and discovering how to evolve our skills using our first drone.” — Marco Caramello, Dayflash user @marcocaramelloartphoto

Check out this beautiful photo of the Venice Canal shared to Dayflash by Marco Caramello

Photo by Marco Caramello, Dayflash user @marcocaramelloartphoto

“Ponte Dei Sospiri, Venezia…Venice — black and white” — Marco Caramello, Dayflash user @marcocaramelloartphoto

Portrait of Marco Caramello’s family

Photo left to right: @stefano_bonazzi , @marghe_caramello (Margherita), @mariasofia_caramello , marta , @bonnieflash (Andrea Bonazzi) , Maria-Chiara

What keeps you coming back to Dayflash?

“Dayflash has been my main social media for a long time. I joined when it was a small community and I have seen it growing and becoming a great community where everyone can feel like they’re part of a big family. Almost all members of my family are using Dayflash, including my nephews: Stefano and Andrea. We like Dayflash also because it is free from any algorithm that limits your visibility and everyone has the right to be seen from all other content creators.” — Marco Caramello, Dayflash user @marcocaramelloartphoto

One last image shared by Marco Caramello to Dayflash

Photo by Marco Caramello, Dayflash user @marcocaramelloartphoto

“After the rain the Dolomites show incredible scenarios that change so fast. This time I could take a photo with the right mood!” — Marco Caramello, Dayflash user @marcocaramelloartphoto

Final thoughts…

To learn more about Marco, you can find him on Dayflash @marcocaramelloartphoto, Instagram @marcocaramelloartphoto or his website

If you enjoyed this story and would like to read more like it, follow Dayflash Blog and Justin Werner on Medium or go to the App Store to download the Dayflash app.

Special thanks to Karina Mosser for conducting this interview.

