Pondering under Pine Trees

Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2021

To my elusive soulmate, I wonder where
You are, if you’re feeling happy or sad
Or feel an intense longing to meet me
The same way I long to finally meet you

I’m chasing after this idea I have of you
In the strangers I try to fall in love with
And there’s this specter from the future
Urging me on: powerful and transient

Not to be too earnest in my pining, but
I already drew up the scene in my head
Of where our life’s lines will intersect
In a Cartesian plane of space and time

It would be inside a nondescript café
I’m sipping from my iced matcha latte
The cubes clunking against each other
As I laugh too hard at my friend’s joke

You’d think my laugh was contagious
A ringing in your ears that won’t stop
Like a siren from the depths of the sea
Singing to you, asking you for my name

But you would be too shy, too oblivious
To see my eyes light up when I see you:
A boy with glasses that are a bit askew
Framed by your beautifully tousled hair

You would scratch your head when you
Think too much, the gears in your brain
Turning all these ideas over and over
Maybe the idea of “us” will come up?

Even if it does, we always find ourselves
Bound by chance cards in Monopoly
Will we get to see each other this week?
Will something happen between us?

The burden of initiative falls on my lap
I would have to break the invisible wall
I’ll sell myself short, then perhaps you’d
Be willing to invest a little bit of yourself

I fumble with numbers, but I guarantee
Some ROI, but you calculate the risks
Like a mathematician high on steroids
Why forecast so far off into the future?

All I wanted is for you to kiss my lips in
This moment frozen like a photograph
Before we turn to ashes from decay and
Before the world burns itself to ashes

Think of us like two shooting stars
Travelling across different galaxies
Colliding at nearly the speed of light:
Our kiss an explosion of raw emotions

Then we’d shine brightly for each other
We’d dispel a small part of the darkness
That envelops this unforgiving world
And create a space to call our very own

I promise to shower you with my love
When you run out of love for yourself
You’ll promise to hold my hands tight
To keep me from falling for you too fast

I think I’ll allow myself to fall if I can trust
That I’ll land inside your warm embrace:
A hug, a shield from the outside world;
Your body is my new world to explore

Tell me after we’ve mapped each other
Like constellations in the evening sky
That my laugh still sounds like music
And that my eyes still sparkle with love

We’ll look into the windows of our souls
Open them and dip into memory’s pool
We’ll swim together in it like mermaids
Underwater, until our breaths give out

I want you to be my final resting place
Our tombstones both engraved with
The same date, like destiny decided
How cruel it’d be for only one to live

