Black and White

In silhouette.

David Rudder
1 min readJul 24, 2021


Photo by Jelle van Leest on Unsplash

Are definition lines
I visually beget
Monochromatically arranged
Clear or in silhouette.

Stereo perceptions
With no shade in between
Or room for emotions
A moan yell or a scream.

In plain black and white
Unequivocal and absolute
With no room to move
Complete and resolute.

Let me see a contract
That technically is strong
Followed to the letter
Whether right or wrong.

And I’ll show you a rainbow
That appears and then is gone
And other intangibles
You can’t get your hands upon.

Give me a definition
That contains no ambiguity
Insightful and accurate
With clear visual acuity.

Then later in life’s evening
When day’s sharpness has dulled
And lost its edge and acuteness
And the storm has lulled.

In obscure moments
Neither black nor white
That envelop my dream spaces
Gently drift out of sight.


David Rudder
24th July 2021

Thanks for reading.



David Rudder

Top writer in Poetry. I am a diarist and write poetry to reflect my thoughts.