Breaking Earth

Like the surf.

David Rudder
Jul 18, 2024


Photograph by Author.

Breaking earth like the surf
We crash upon the shore
In an explosion of erosion
I know that there is more.

Breaking negative patterns
What has not worked before
Eliminating the concerns
It releases the heart to soar.

Not spreading it on too thinly
And integrity as well
Being clear on what will be
And no premature farewell.

Stepping off the treadmill
Where words cannot be broken
Moving of my own free will
Neither being too outspoken.

Breaking old habits
Now is the time to move
Eliminating the hits and hurt
With nothing left to prove.

Soft and smooth and in the groove
Old habits fall like rain
Releasing mirth into the earth
Is the oceans sweet refrain.


David Rudder

Thank you for reading this piece and my poetry.



David Rudder

Top writer in Poetry. I am a diarist and write poetry to reflect my thoughts.