Cloudy Weather

Acceptance is the answer.

David Rudder
1 min readJul 28, 2021


Photo by Jesse Orrico on Unsplash

It may be calm and sunny
But I sense a cool change
Headed for cloudy weather
Storm clouds sit on the range.

Speaking in terms of barometric
It’s so easy to understand
When a cold front’s approaching
Stormy weather is at hand.

Mood shifts and evocations
Can have a reciprocal effect
Like changes in the weather
And if they’re left unchecked.

Can cause collateral damage
And severely rock the boat
Time to hold and get a grip
Keep calm and stay afloat.

Acceptance is the answer
The keystone of survival
Guaranteed if understood
To start a new revival.

We’ve sampled cloudy weather
And ridden ups and downs
We’ve been away and returned
And bobbed on merry-go-rounds.

When the storm is over
And the calm weather returns
It’s time to take an adjournment
From fears and our concerns.


David Rudder
28th July 2021

Thanks for reading.



David Rudder

Top writer in Poetry. I am a diarist and write poetry to reflect my thoughts.