Cloudy Weather
Acceptance is the answer.
It may be calm and sunny
But I sense a cool change
Headed for cloudy weather
Storm clouds sit on the range.
Speaking in terms of barometric
It’s so easy to understand
When a cold front’s approaching
Stormy weather is at hand.
Mood shifts and evocations
Can have a reciprocal effect
Like changes in the weather
And if they’re left unchecked.
Can cause collateral damage
And severely rock the boat
Time to hold and get a grip
Keep calm and stay afloat.
Acceptance is the answer
The keystone of survival
Guaranteed if understood
To start a new revival.
We’ve sampled cloudy weather
And ridden ups and downs
We’ve been away and returned
And bobbed on merry-go-rounds.
When the storm is over
And the calm weather returns
It’s time to take an adjournment
From fears and our concerns.
David Rudder
28th July 2021
Thanks for reading.