
New direction.

David Rudder
2 min readDec 15, 2021


“Oscar” Photograph by Author.

At this time of tumultuous transition
When nothing is quite as it seems
The mind wanders back to events down the track
And a new focus is the wool made in dreams.

Lamenting the loss of a loved one
In our case, it’s our friend child and dog
He was there in our life through trouble and strife
And in the wheel of our lives the main cog.

The grief that we share is now raw and is naked
Yet we know that with time it will pass
And like all the loved ones now gone from our lives
We know in new pastures we’ll find greener grass.

Our relationship is fragile and governed
By the past and our varied experiences
The hard one’s that color the paths we have walked
In moving forward are difficult inferences.

I walked past your door around midnight
My need to be with you is a momentary whim
Can a coupling make anything different?
Or leave us both dangling out on a limb.

Being needful of self-preservation
Any new actions are colored by caution
What is the best and what will stand the test?
Carefully we step around and consider each option.

There is an overwhelming need for a new focus
A way of life that achieves satisfaction
The transitory thrills the falls and the spills
We know in the end are just an abstraction.

The support we provide for each other
Is integral to deal with our grief
And help with the fright and the horrors of the night
That sneaks into our minds like a thief.

There is only one rational way of dealing
With the loss the hurt and the tears
That is to have a new direction and focus
To dissolve all our heartaches and fears.


David Rudder

Thanks for reading.



David Rudder

Top writer in Poetry. I am a diarist and write poetry to reflect my thoughts.