Mirrors of Light

Into mysteries, we both crave

David Rudder


Photo by Kourosh-Gaffari-Unsplash

Your eyes are pools I’ve gazed into,
your smile as warm as sunshine,
I’ve walked the track where you have been
in different moods and fun times

Mirrors of light shades of dark,
sparks of recognition,
kindle knowledge yet untold,
life put on full ignition.

Deep souls stir and come alive,
thoughts rustle and wave,
Click the switch to overdrive,
into mysteries we both crave.

Pure delight colours the day,
along dusty tracks untrodden,
words unused, what will they say,
of times almost forgotten.

The affinity melds kindred souls,
clouds kissed with richer colour,
succulence fills up our bowls,
unlike seen from any other.

Tracks have detours, potholes too,
stumbles and some falls,
happiness turns navy blue,
transcending the enthrals.



David Rudder

Top writer in Poetry. I am a diarist and write poetry to reflect my thoughts.