

David Rudder
1 min readJan 1, 2024


Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

He looked intact and in fact,
Near no contingencies,
Though the thing that he lacked,
There were unseen injuries.

The pain was there in his stare,
He walked a crooked mile,
People knew, but few would dare,
To look behind his smile.

The cost was great and too late,
To patch the damage done,
Only he knew his fate,
Would be for the long run.

The hurt was his undoing,
Drink and drugs as well,
And further his pursuit,
To hide behind a shell.

So, it goes now he knows,
The name the rank and the number,
And although it hardly shows,
He’s the man from down under.

Part is me part is you,
Then there are the other ones,
And we all know it is true,
It could be anyone’s.

Blinded by the light sometimes,
Then we hide away,
Who will pay for the crimes?
And which of us will stay?

Stay to face the music,
Some nights deprived of sleep,
Peace is so elusive,
As we silently weep.


David Rudder

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David Rudder

Top writer in Poetry. I am a diarist and write poetry to reflect my thoughts.