Social Media Bullying — On LinkedIn?

Mandi Bishop
DAYONE — A new perspective.
3 min readJun 28, 2016

This is a story best told through pictures, captured exactly as it unfolded, without any edits or exclusions. LinkedIn is a public social network; anyone can view the posts that are submitted here, unless they occur in a private group or message. I’ve never met many of my followers or connections, and that’s OK; I appreciate connection and engaging discussions.

This entire exchange occurred out in the open, not in a group or message.

This is what it is to be a woman expressing an opinion online that strikes a nerve.

Or, in this case, sharing an opinion someone else expressed — via Dilbert.

*Edit 6/28: link to the original LinkedIn thread, where raving continues and new bullies (some more subtle than others) emerge as others blocked.*

It started with me sharing a Dilbert cartoon that resonated with me. I remember my 1600 baud modem. Suddenly, I became a “misogynistic hater”. Did I miss something: was there a woman in the cartoon?
Dilbert’s digital natives vs. paper generation, to me, allegory for rapid change affecting law, process, education.
Worthy of firing. And I’m offended by sexist views, but have been called a “misogynistic hater”.
Not everyone agrees with the cartoon, but logical discourse ensues.
Shallow is as shallow does.
Multiple people offended. However, most continue civil conversation.
A pox on you, offensive idiot who is somehow both a feminist and a “misogynistic idiot” simultaneously.
Youth is wasted on the young. And talking to my legal department sounds like an excellent idea.
“My cartoon” is syndicated in every major newspaper and online repository, in multiple languages.
Intent doesn’t matter. Results do. And I’m sad about that.
It’s becoming clear to me there’s a misconception that I’m a) young, b) technical.
Bless those who stand up to bullies, in schoolyards and on social media.
Indeed, I’ve been duly called out for promoting groups to which I belong.
Again, bless those who stand up to bullies. You are the true masters of the universe.
Couldn’t have ended it better if I’d planned it.

This is bullying. This happened to me. This happened today. Astonishingly, this happened on a professional social media networking site “in front of” literally thousands of people. And the bully honestly believes I should cower.

By the way, the original poster of the Dilbert cartoon appeared to be a young man who would be representative of the “youth culture” referenced in it. He received more than 5 pages of responses. Those pages consisted of replies like these shown below, in stark contrast to the hours-long personal and professional attack I received:

See any poxes cursed here?
Hmm, maybe a pox is cursed HERE?
Still no poxes. I’m taking my pox and going home.

Thank you for the 200 new followers I picked up on LinkedIn today, bully. I’ll make sure I send an update to my network with this post when it goes live.

Thank you!



Mandi Bishop
DAYONE — A new perspective.

Healthcare industry analyst. Speaker. Author. Army Wife. Mom. Conflicted Paleo fan and chocaholic.