Youtube’s New Design — and How It’s Changed the Game

Julius Vergara
DAYONE — A new perspective.
2 min readAug 30, 2017

Recently Medium underwent a logo redesign which set the tone for its user experience.

Now Youtube just changed the whole game, with their new design for their app and browser interface.

New Features mentioned in the video:

  • Navigation tabs are now at the bottom of the screen so people can reach them with their thumbs.
  • The app now supports speeding and slowing video, a feature long available on the browser version.
  • A soon-to-be available version will have the video display change shape to conform to the video format, whether horizontal, vertical, or square.
  • A feature, first introduced earlier this year, that allows a double tap on the right or left of the video to fast forward or rewind by ten seconds.
  • The switch to a dark theme

This brought me to a couple realizations with my own usage of the social media channels. Some of the major companies held under by Facebook — as Medium, Instagram, Youtube to name a few — brought significant changes to their UI over the past couple of months, which is great for the following reasons.

  1. Medium has changed their logo to represent the type of work that’s put on it.
  2. Instagram steals more users from Snapchat then ever before with their features.
  3. Youtube adopted Twitter’s dark theme switch for better usability.
  4. Soon our entire digital presence will be under one roof and feel
  5. Customizable features for creating content are almost there across all social media channels simultaneously.
  6. Catering to larger phones with bigger displays and a higher DPI.

Who knows what they’ll have in store next. Definitely loving the new logo and navigation of Youtube. I’m a sucker for good design.

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