Sibling wars

Pavan Samprati
Days gone by…
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2014


My sister sent me an email the other day. The subject read…

“Fwd: Earn MONEY sitting at home! see how NOW!”

I opened it half knowing what to expect and there it was. One of the standard spam emails that are aimed at ignorant Internet users. I thought only lame or older people fell for such things and I didn’t think my sister was one of them. I was disappointed in her. She, being in IT herself should know better than to believe in such stupid spam emails. I decided to let her know subtly so that she doesn’t send any more such emails to me or the others. I replied to that email trying not to sound too condescending…

“Don’t believe such stuff. Its crap.”

She replied…

“I know. Just wanted to make sure you are ok.”

I was perplexed. It took me a few minutes to figure out that she had actually pinged me on gchat four-five times and called me a couple of times over the past two days. I had peacefully ignored them thinking, “I’ll talk to her later”. She, being a smart ass, knew I’d definitely feel compelled to reply to that spam email and I fell for it. I chuckled and said to myself, “She is such an idiot!” knowing fully well who the idiot was.

