Day 5: Knight of Wands (sideways), Lovers, Queen of Wands (rev)
I don’t think “sideways” is an official orientation, but since I’m taking an intuitive approach, I’m doing it. This card kind of jumped out at me and landed this way, so it felt like something to reflect on. Can somebody warn me if I’ve unleashed an ancient curse?
Knight of Wands (sideways)
The traditional meaning of this card is shifting from idea to action, which can be impulsiveness if taken to an extreme. When reversed, this card might mean feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with delays on a personal project. I take the sideways orientation to mean that all of these are true because I am very close to a deadline with my memoir but my workload has increased to an intense level the past few weeks.
I’ve worked really hard to get where I am in my career, so the opportunities I’m getting now are very important to me. At the same time, it’s so much to juggle those things with a big, important deadline for my memoir. Part of me is like, “Of courrrrse it all happens all at once!”
A reminder to think about the long-term effects of my everyday actions, and how caretaking is about myself as well as others. I’m grateful for the support to find balance. My partner is super supportive and picks up the slack when I am stretched so thin on work and creative fronts. I think about how I can receive his help, but also not take it for granted. I learn from life with him that there is a grace to accepting the natural ebb and flow. This is why he is my love.
Queen of Wands (reversed)
As a beginner, I keep thinking that a reversed card is bad, but every time I read the meaning, it offers a ton of support and encouragement. This draw highlights that I am already acting on my goals strongly, and to tune in to my needs. It’s okay that I don’t want to give any energy away to others. This is my life, and it is my choice to devote it to what I care about most.
So far, my first week of Tarot makes me feel seen and understood. I understand that it is a conversation with myself, and that adds to feeling full and loved! We are not always encouraged to tune into ourselves so deeply. I’m glad I’m learning more about the practice. It feels very natural to me!