Daystar Television Network Explains How to Let Go & Live in Fullness

Daystar Television Network
Daystar Television Network
3 min readMay 17, 2019

What if giving actually is about you? Often, we think of giving as something only benefiting the person on the receiving end, but recent studies supported by biblical teaching paint a far bigger picture. Daystar Television Network, headquartered in Bedford, Texas, explores the reasons why givers get more and how you can get started today.

Why Giving is Life-Giving

In a 30-day study revealing how giving impacts everyday life, a group of college school students were asked to daily spend $5 on themselves or give $5 to someone else. Based on criteria that rated overall happiness, those who spent money on other people were measurably happier — a feeling that far outlasted their initial act of generosity!

In addition to this research, there are literally dozens of studies confirming that giving is not only good for your mental wellbeing, but also improves physical and emotional health throughout your life. And repeated giving has no impact on the feelings experienced over time. In other words, the resulting happiness never diminishes.

For those who subscribe to a biblical worldview, this comes as no surprise as these findings are backed by scriptures throughout the Bible. That means giving is truly life-giving!

In fact, Daystar Television Network explains that if giving weren’t free pharmaceuticals companies would likely jump at the chance to bottle this experience and market it as the latest cure-all, with side effects including:

· Increased Joy

· Improved Health

· Longer Lifespan

· Lasting Happiness

· Eternal Rewards

Eternal rewards? Yes, indeed. According to the Bible, givers get far more than the value of their original gift. Whether it’s time, money, or a helpful act of service, they can always expect an overflowing return on their investment.

“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full — pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” (Luke 6:38 NLT)

Surprisingly, if you were to read all the biblical passages referencing generosity, you’d find many of them aren’t just about giving to help those in need — but rather reaching out with hope in way that impacts the giver for eternity. That’s because when you hold on too tightly to what you have fear and insecurity can creep in, robbing you of the good life you were created to experience. But when you see the big picture you can let go of to the things of today and live in fullness, knowing God can be trusted with tomorrow.

Daystar Television Network’s Final Thoughts

The joy of having our own desires met is fleeting, but giving to help others creates lasting happiness. The key to giving is to first acknowledge that all you have is a gift from God. Then ask Him how to best handle what He’s made available in your life. He wants you to be free to live generously and love well — a gift that will give you far more than you could ever ask or imagine!

