Benefits of Utilizing Real-Time Video Analytics

Jisoo Lee
Dayta AI
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2020
Creator: d3sign | Credit: Getty Images

During the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing has become a standardized public health measure around the world. Based on advice from the World Health Organization (WHO), every country has been urged to release its own social distancing regulations.

How the Retail Sector Has Responded to Social Distancing Measures

Schools, restaurants, gyms, hair salons, and businesses where close-proximity contact is unavoidable have remained closed throughout the world. Among retail businesses, supermarkets are one of the few places that have remained open during the outbreak and lockdown as they are deemed essential. Below are the common social distancing practices of supermarkets:

1. Limit the number of in-store customers.

2. In-store social distancing markers, barriers, and floor tape to remind customers to maintain the advised distance.

3. Invest in protective equipment such as acrylic screens at checkout counters.

4. Raise hygiene standards, and provide hand sanitizer for customers.

Individual supermarkets have introduced their own policies to keep customers at an appropriate distance. At the same time, an increasing number of retail, healthcare, banking and hospitality industries have adopted IP surveillance and business intelligence systems to reduce the load on management while also mitigating the risk of both employee and customer from being infected.

Video Analytics During COVID-19

As the IP surveillance industry enters the era of AI, security network cameras have been ignited with great potential through the application of AI and deep learning technologies. These next generation cameras are equipped with high performance computing power and video analytics, allowing users to transform real-time images into big-data analysis.

Under the social distancing practices of supermarkets noted above, there are four real-time video analytic techniques that are commonly deployed to take precautionary measures.

1. Queue Management: Queue management was designed to optimize customer experiences and reduce wait times. During the pandemic however, queue management has been focused on managing customer flows and avoiding physical queues to maintain social distancing.

2. People Counting: In response to the needs of entry-control management, a people-counting solution is the ideal video analytic tool for supermarket chains. It can easily identify occupancy levels and monitor real-time the number of people entering and exiting a store, thereby providing customers and staff a safer environment.

3. Crowd Detection: Crowd Detection video analytics can be used to identify how many people are present in each area. Stores and businesses can then effortlessly manage and maintain distances between customers, automatically sending alert notifications when maximum capacity is exceeded.

4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Detection: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can protect the user against health or safety risks. These items include facial coverings, gloves, eye protection, and masks. During the COVID-19 pandemic, advanced video analysis can identify people who are not wearing such protective equipment, providing a safe and healthy environment for both frontline workers and customers.

Cyclops is a retail analytics solution that can connect any surveillance camera to help track store footfall count and queue time. To find out more about how you can utilize Cyclops during the pandemic, check out our website and blog:



Jisoo Lee
Dayta AI
Editor for

Innovation Researcher at Dayta AI, Hong Kong