New visitor segments on Swedens biggest website

Erik Westerdahl
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2016
Presenting the new visitor segments for Aftonbladet

Service Design was used in order to combine quantitative & qualitative data on Swedens most visited website in order to create new, real time monitored, visitor segments.

Today, every serious Service Design consultancy should collect quantitative data from their clients to help them make the correct priorities of the gathered qualitative data. But there is a big difference in collecting and combining data, where the combination creates additional value.

Quantitative data is useless, unless you can answer “Why”

Collecting quantitative data have never been as easy, and will probably never be as hard. In my everyday work at Daytona I meet clients that have tons of quantitative data that they want to share. The reason for this is that they don’t know what to do with it. Quantitative data is useless unless you know how to cut it and the reason behind it, the big WHY.

The team

In December 2015, I started working at Daytona. On my very first day, I was assigned as Design Lead and Senior Service Designer to a new project. The other members of the team were Anna Rising (Strategist) and Rasmus Sellberg (C/O Founder of Daytona and Key Account Manager).

The client

Our client, Swedens biggest newspaper Aftonbladet, the most visited Swedish website with over 5,700,000 unique visitors a week, needed our expertise to help them combine their quantitative data with qualitative data in order to better understand their visitors. As a Service Design company, our task was to gather the qualitative data through semistructured customer interviews and help them answer the question “Why” through customer insights.

The project

We preformed 80 qualitative semistructured customer interviews with Aftonbladets visitors from all around the country. The visitors where recruited through Aftonbladets website based on their visiting behavior to secure that we interviewed every hypothetical segment. In order to avoid a handover process and to accomplish internal understanding, we worked in a close cross-collaboration with Aftonbladet from start to finish.

The result

16 hypothetical segments purely based on quantitative data was combined with the help of the collected qualitative data down to 4 segments. These 4 real time monitored segments, in the form of behavioral groups, replaced Aftonbladets old static personas. A vital part of the new segmentation was to create few segments enough for the employees to be able to remember and work with them, in order to create more relevant content for the visitor.

Aftonbladet received a greater understanding of their visitor’s needs, expectations, desires and driving forces. We co-created strategies of how to increase the ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) and set out KPI (Key Performance Indicator) for each segment to measure the effect. Today, the new segmentation has been up and running for 7 months.

“Working in close collaboration with Daytona was a success factor for a deeper understanding of our customers, an internal engagement and a fast implementation of the new behavioral segments.”
— Pär Ekroth, Head of Marketing at Aftonbladet

//Erik Westerdahl, Senior Service Designer @ Daytona

