The best of the top trends lists and predictions for 2017

Yes friends, it’s that time of year. Our feeds are exploding with trends lists and predictions for 2017. I have cherry picked the best and created a list of lists. Ironic, huh?

Martin Ragnevad
4 min readJan 11, 2017


Please enjoy, in no particular order:

Tech Trends 2017, by Frog Design

Full report here

15 Tech trends from one of the best design agencies in the world. Frog puts technology trends into a context of transformation and value creation. This is a very pleasant read.

My favorite: Next year’s best new artist.

10 Hot consumer trends in 2017, by Ericsson

Full report here

A great long read with actual research and references to each trend. Ericsson even ends their list describing their methodology. (Too bad they didn’t put that much effort into the illustrations and info graphics.)

My favorite: Bodies out of sync.

Trends 2017, by Fjord

Full report here

An excellent slideshare from Fjord who has been coming out with these reports for many years. Fjord manages to go beyond the trend and give their own view of where the trend is going and suggestions on what to make of it. A very good read indeed.

My favorite: Unintended Consequences.

Key Digital Trends for 2017, by Ogilvy

Full report here

No, it’s not just about marketing. Ogilvy goes deep on a couple of digital trends that will have a bigger impact on us all, including marketing. They also share some advice on each trend with a “How do you prepare for this” section. Well researched and well written with a light and humorous touch.

My favorite: Defining the chatbot gold rush.

17 digital trends for 2017, by Fröjd

Full report here

A slideshare from fellow Swedish agency @FrojdAgency. Nice presentation and well picked trends going beyond the most obvious.

My favorite slide? Nr 46.

5 trends for 2017, by Trendwatching

Full report here

This is a sneak peek of their full Trend Report. I love their creative language, coming up with new descriptive wordings like “Virtual Experience Economy” and “Nation Nurturers”. The examples to each trend are great and you can tell that Trendwatching know their game.

My favorite: That there is more of this good stuff in the full report.

7 Technology Trends that will dominate 2017, by Forbes

Full report here

Short and sweet, capturing the biggest trends with links to further reading.

5 tech trends that will change the world in 2017, by Digital Trends

Full report here

Well written and fairly long texts on each trend, but omg what an annoying site with all those banner ads.

My favorite: The rise of synthetic food.

Nine IoT trends of 2017, by Tech Republic

Full report here

With a focus on Internet of Things, Tech Republic offers something more like an article with statements from different people within the IoT industry than a list of trends. A very interesting read if you are into IoT.

My favorite: What will happen with consumer IoT.

Mindshare Trends 2017, by Mindshare

Full report here

A well written report with a focus on their own expert opinions and advice related to each trend. Also great examples of each trend.

My favorite: Hassle Free.

Trend Watch 2017, by Landor

Full report here

With a wide perspective on tech, Landor manages in a way to point out trends that affect LIFE.

My favorite: 4. Nature is nurture

AI, self-driving cars and cyberwar — the tech trends to watch for in 2017, by The Guardian

Full article here

This is more an article than an actual list, but I like that they bring up Cyberwar, eSports and China. Topics that I believe we will see a lot more of in terms of tech and innovation in the upcoming years.

Gartners top 10 strategic technology trends for 2017, by Gartner

Full teaser here

This is a teaser for their big trend report, still it’s a good summary.

State of technology in 2017, by Quantum Run

Full report here

And if you just can’t get enough of all tech trends and predictions I suggest you head over to Quantum Run to get your fill. Lists and links y’all!

11 technologies to watch in 2017, by Mashable


A short and effective summary with good examples and images. No more, no less.

10 big tech trends to watch in 2017, by Tech Radar


Another effective summary with good examples.

Growing digital trends 2017: expert view, by Digiteum


A great article on Medium by British agency Digiteum. They let the experts have their say on what the next big thing in digital will be.

My favorite: Adam Benzecrit.

5 big predictions for AI in 2017, by MIT Technology Review


A clear sighted article on the state of AI, language learning, the hype and China.

Did I miss any?

Please don’t hesitate to mail me at Thanks!

