DAZN is a GOLD sponsor of CityJS virtual event 2021!

Samantha Betts
DAZN Engineering
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2021

CityJS started in 2018 and is a community conference created by London JavaScript meet-up groups such as London JS, Halfstack, Node user group and JS Monthly. CityJS is a non-profitable conference with the purpose of giving back to their community.

Last year the conference was scheduled to take place at the Regent Street Cinema in London but due to COVID it had to be moved to an online virtual event and DAZN joined them as a main sponsor. The event was a success and had an incredible global reach which meant that more people from more parts of the world and from different backgrounds were able to attend the event.

This year DAZN is proud to be sponsoring CityJS online once more, we will be joining other sponsors such as AWS, Twilio and Vonage on the virtual conference platform Gather Town with our own booth for conference attendees to come and say hi!
The booth includes a welcome PDF with info on our team, a Life at DAZN Software Engineering video and a link to our careers page. Our booth will be manned by Myself along with some of our Engineering Managers and tech Talent Recruitment team.

We have an amazing opportunity to use CityJS as a way to reach awesome developers all over the world. It is a chance for us to talk about what it is like working at DAZN, what open roles we currently have and of course to show off our product itself! I will be handing out one month free DAZN access gift codes to our visitors as SWAG and also sharing links on how to interact with us and stay in the loop with everything DAZN Engineering via our socials.

As well as over 50 of our own DAZN developers from all over the world attending the conference — we also have two guest speakers! Denis Artyuhovich (Software Engineer) and Max Gallo (Principal Software Engineer) will both be on the main stage. If you are attending the conference, make sure to check out their talks!

DAZN has also been able to donate four CityJS tickets this year. We gave two to Code First Girls in honour and celebration of our recent partnership with them (you can read more about that here!).
We then put out a post on Twitter to give two of our followers the chance to win the remaining two tickets, we will be very much looking forward to seeing Lysa and Javier at the conference!

If you would like some more information on CityJS you can visit their website here. We have very much enjoyed being a part of this great initiative for the past few years and look forward to the future of CityJS and the chance to be at the conference in person later this year!

If you are attending CityJS online be sure to visit the DAZN booth! 🙌

Don’t forget to follow DAZNENG on Twitter!

