dazy Submission Guidelines

Alma Girau
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2021

Please read the entire article before submitting.


dazy’s goal is to highlight the beautiful.

We take submissions from diverse writers, both aspiring and experts, who can present a fresh perspective that will move readers and challenge their thinking.

Your article should be one of the following:

  1. Non-Fiction Article.
  2. Personal Stories, serious or humorous as long as they educate the reader. Your story should serve as an example of a point you are trying to prove.
  3. Listicles.

While we are product junkies who love a good cream blush, we also like to focus on what’s important in life. Helping lift up others and shedding light on issues our readers face on a daily basis is our aim.

Here are some of our topics and examples of each:

Beauty: As mentioned before, this section can be anything from product reviews to deep issues within the beauty industry such as a lack of inclusivity.

Wellness: This section is home to articles revolving around mental and physical wellness.

Culture: Here we not only highlight current events that shape culture but we also encourage writers to use this section to speak about personal experiences as they relate to our ever-evolving perspective on society.

Our publication is very, very new so we encourage writers to submit anything they think will be a good fit regardless of whether or not they believe it will fit into these topics.


There’s only two:

  1. Do not submit articles about Medium, how to be a successful freelance writer, or how much money you make writing. There is a myriad of publications that would love to publish those pieces. However, dazy was conceived on the notion that most Medium users whether they’re readers or writers are paying to use this platform. There’s more to it than how to be successful on it and we will not contribute to the oversaturated topic of “Medium”.
  2. Do not submit content that is offensive to any community. Challenging readers on controversial topics is fine but outright hurting anyone is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Go somewhere else with that nonsense.

What you need to apply:

  1. A Medium Account.
  2. An Unpublished Draft: We will accept drafts that you have published on your end but not those that have been published in another Medium Publication.
  3. Unplagiarized content and credited images from sources such as Unsplash, Pexels, etc. If we feel the image you’ve chosen can be improved we will find a new one and always seek your approval before publishing.
  4. A piece that reads for at least 3 minutes.

Our Formatting Guidelines:

dazy uses this formatting guide for the content we publish:

Your next steps.

Check your grammar. Add Grammarly as a Chrome extension to your browser and use it in your draft. We will do so on our end as well but it’s important to submit the article with as few grammatical errors as possible. scrutiny.

Use one or more of the following tags: Beauty, Self, Relationships, Culture, Self Improvement

Be open to feedback. We may leave you notes in your article that we think will improve it. Unless your article breaks our rules, it will most likely find a home here.

Follow the publication and leave a response “I’d like to write for dazy”. You can also follow our editor and writers for better networking on Medium.

What to expect:

We will review your article within 24 hours and leave any feedback we think will help you as a writer and your article. If the changes are made in a timely manner, we will schedule your article to publish within 24 hours of the draft being edited.

Happy writing!



Alma Girau
Editor for

Shameless. Latinx. Embroidery artist and writer.