Agents of WOW for Innovation

DBS Bank. Live more, Bank less
Published in
6 min readJun 25, 2020

Special agents are not always decked out in James Bond-esque black suits and engaging in dangerous top-secret missions to save the world. They are experts who use their skills and knowledge to help others drive positive changes.

The WOW Accelerator is the first DBS accelerator to be launched virtually. The project teams include project owners, mentors, tech interns and fintech start-ups who are working together remotely via online collaboration platforms.

In June, DBS launched the inaugural WOW Accelerator, a three-month virtual programme focused on addressing challenges faced by various teams in the bank. Sixteen Agent of WOW volunteers were recruited from within the bank to embark on the innovation journey together with a team of interns, start-ups and industry experts to co-create solutions and drive real change for the business.

So how are these Agents of WOW doing one month into the accelerator? Let’s check in with some of them to find out!


Hi Hairi! First off, why did you decide to volunteer as an Agent of WOW?

I am a strong advocate for innovation, and I really enjoy coming up with innovative ideas. So, I thought what better way was there to be more innovative than to be a part of innovation projects in the bank?

Being an Agent of WOW has truly been an awesome opportunity for me to do what I enjoy while gaining exposure to other functions of the bank. Ultimately, I hope to learn how to manage an innovation project from discovery to deployment, and apply that to other projects in the future.

What do you think about the WOW Accelerator being run virtually?

In terms of productivity, I don’t think that we are missing out much. I guess sometimes it’s nice to see the people you work with face-to-face, instead of just seeing initials on Microsoft Teams.

Other than that, the programme has really been a very enriching and fulfilling experience so far. I get to work closely with industry experts in the field of emerging technology. It’s been very cool and exciting!

As an Agent of WOW, what does innovation mean to you?

One of my role models, Steve Jobs, once said, “Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity — not a threat.” His words really resonated with me in terms of how I view innovation. I think the reason why a lot of people find it difficult to think innovatively is because they want to see improvements and progress without disturbing the status quo, but change is not always a bad thing!


Hey Hui Lin! It’s been a month since the accelerator started. How has it been going for you?

My team is currently working to reinvent the customer flow for the travel insurance purchase journey. This is a topic that is close to my heart as I’m an avid traveller myself, and travel insurance is something I frequently purchase for all my trips.

It has been a great experience so far working with project sponsors and the WOWTech interns to brainstorm ideas, develop the prototype, and validate our project with customers. Through customer immersion and usability testing, we’ve gained valuable insights. It feels like we are building a product together not just for the customer, but with the customers. It’s been really enjoyable so far!

That sounds great! And what do you think about the WOW Accelerator being run virtually?

Initially, I was a little apprehensive about how smoothly we would be able to collaborate virtually. However, we managed to work quite well with WhatsApp team chats and weekly calls on Microsoft Teams. We also used other online tools such as Figma and Marvel, which have enabled us to smoothly share and work on deliverables together.

As an Agent of WOW, what does innovation mean to you?

Innovation is about not settling for status quo. It’s about always pushing for new ideas that would benefit customers or end-users. These ideas don’t necessarily have to be ground-breaking or involve rocket science; they can just be looking at existing ideas from a new perspective. What matters is that these solutions are enhancements and can address real needs.


Hello Debra! We’re curious — why did you decide to volunteer as an Agent of WOW even with your busy schedule?

I went into the WOW Accelerator looking for a new experience and a different type of working culture and dynamic. I have been in the DBS SME Banking team for the last five years, so I saw this as an opportunity to learn something new.

And how has your experience in the WOW Accelerator been like so far?

I enjoyed learning new techniques and methods in evaluating, analysing and problem-solving from the DBS Innovation team. Working with my team has also been a great experience despite a very tight timeline to deliver the proof-of-concept. It has been a very agile and dynamic experience, and everyone has been very fun to work with!

Having the accelerator run virtually was definitely a novel experience for everyone. Initially, it felt strange to work with people you’ve never formally met. However, after a few video calls and work sessions, it got more comfortable to work with one another. The multiple virtual tools at our disposal also made it very convenient to collaborate.

As an Agent of WOW, what does innovation mean to you?

To me, innovation in the bank means to make changes — whether big or small — and to generate new and exciting ideas that would enable seamless user journeys.


Hi Joyce! Going into this WOW Accelerator, what were you hoping to get out of being an Agent of WOW?

I decided to volunteer to become an Agent of WOW as I wanted to do something out of the daily norm. Having seen the past few seasons of UNI.CORN+ internships and having witnessed the creativity from the teams in creating new solutions for the bank, I was really looking forward to working with the interns and learning with them.

I think there are many great takeaways from this experience including learning to manage stakeholder expectations and applying the frameworks we were taught. I’m inspired by the team’s bright ideas and energy level, and I hope to apply that to other projects that I’ll be working on in the future.

How has your experience in the WOW Accelerator been like so far?

It has been lots of fun working with the team! We get to speak directly with customers to understand their pain points, research on the latest trends and try out new ideas. Most importantly, being a neutral party in this project allows us to explore and ideate without feeling constrained by prior knowledge or business challenges.

As an Agent of WOW, what does innovation mean to you?

I think innovation means doing things outside of your comfort zone, looking for people who think differently from you and being happy to be proven wrong!

The DBS WOW Accelerator is a three-month virtual accelerator programme focused on addressing challenges faced by various business units in the bank. Launched by the DBS Innovation team, the programme unites DBS talent with external partners to develop game-changing and human-centric solutions that drive innovation in the bank.



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