Salesforce Backup Solutions

Emily Sirianni
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3 min readOct 21, 2022

So, your organization doesn’t want to lose all their hard work due to some freak accident or malicious entity?

Luckily for you, there is a massive marketplace of options out there for Salesforce Backup Solutions. Your choice really comes down to how your organization wants to balance these three things;

  • Thoroughness / Frequency
  • Time
  • Cost

You can kind of think of it as one of those “You can only pick two” triangles;

Salesforce Data Backup is a native tool in Salesforce and is free for all Salesforce Orgs. You can get your backups weekly or monthly depending on the type of subscription you have. If data moves somewhat slowly at your org this frequency may be just right. Though of course, the more time between your backups, the higher the risk of losing a week or month of work.

Clearly some find these limits chafing, since as soon as you jump into the world of Non-Native paid backup solutions you start to see automated daily backups. OwnBackup, one of the leaders in the field, offers daily backups with no storage limits. will get you up to three backups per day. Overkill or not, these are popular tools that have the potential to swoop in and save the day.

Paid services will also offer more of a “set it and forget it” solution. Automate your frequency and what you want backed up, and trigger a restore when needed.

Native backups tend to be hands-on, requiring manual backup and recovery. More than one is typically needed to meet the needs of an organization that wants to backup both data and metadata. Juggling which service downloads what… and where… and when… It can turn into a job in its own right.

That is to say, If you’re trying to protect yourself from human error, or trying to save time, choosing a Native Backup might not be the step towards peace of mind you’re hoping for.

Similarly, an open source solution, like our own service dbsaver, requires someone who can understand and oversee the process to ensure that a backup is really there when it’s needed.

Unlike the Native services offered by Salesforce today, dbsaver is an all-in-one solution. You can find the github repo for this project here → and get started today for free.

With a goal to get Salesforce Users all three points of the triangle (Thoroughness / Frequency, Time, and Cost), Cloud Answers offers backup management as a service. We’ve actually been doing this for our consulting clients for the last 10 years, charging just enough to cover the storage fees of our Amazon S3 bucket. Interested in letting us handle everything for what could be pennies per month? Contact our team here →

This is the first of what could easily become a series — Want to hear more about the world of Salesforce Backup Solutions? Let us know with comments, 👏s, and follows!

