1 Trillion Row Challenge on Databricks SQL

Databricks SQL SME
DBSQL SME Engineering
5 min readApr 3, 2024
DBSQL Scaling for 1 Trillion Row Challenge


Joe Harris, Senior Software Engineer @ Databricks
Andrey Mirskiy, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect @ Databricks


In February 2024 Coiled team published their One Trillion Row Challenge where they presented their performance test over 1T (One Trillion) rows dataset. The idea of the performance test is to measure performance when reading and aggregating one trillion records based on synthetic temperature measurements dataset.

As we were amazed by the idea and the simplicity of the test and wanted to test the capabilities of Databricks SQL, we have accepted the challenge.

Data Generation

We could obviously download the dataset shared by the Coiled team which is available in their S3 bucket s3://coiled-datasets-rp/1trc. However, we decided to generate our own data using SQL to make the experiment very simple and easy to reproduce. Below you can find the code we used to generate the test table containing 1 trillion (1,000,000,000,000) records.

First, we created the stations lookup table using a values() clause with the original data for 412 stations in the CSV.

create or replace table `1trc`.`stations`
using delta
select id, station, mean_temp
from values (1,'Abha',18.0),

AS data(id,station,mean_temp);

Next, we generated the measurements table with a normal distribution of sample values using the approach described by Phil Factor in Getting normally-distributed random numbers in TSQL blog post.

create or replace table `1trc`.`measurements_delta`
select a.station,
round(((rand() * 2 - 1) + (rand() * 2 - 1) + (rand() * 2 - 1)) /* Box-Muller transform */
* 5 /* Standard Deviation */
+ a.mean_temp, 1) as measure
from `1trc`.`stations` as a
join (range(1000000000000)) b on a.id = (mod(b.id, 412)+1);

With this code we are able to generate the test dataset in a simple and concise way and also leverage Databricks capabilities to parallelize the computations over multiple cluster nodes.

For reference, we tested the data generation using a 2X-Large Databricks SQL Serverless warehouse, it completed in ~12 minutes.

Our final measurements table with 1 trillion rows is composed of 256 files and is 1.2 TiB in size. The exact number of files generated may change depending on the warehouse size used but the total data size and query performance will not change significantly.

describe history `1trc`.`measurements_delta`;
-- `Operation Metrics` column:
– { "numFiles": "256",
-- "numOutputRows": "1000000000000",
-- "numOutputBytes": "1341928982163" }

Test Execution

Finally, we executed a sample test query on Databricks SQL Warehouse. We used the following configuration for testing:

  • Databricks on AWS
  • Databricks SQL Serverless
  • Current channel, v 2023.50

We used different cluster sizes to evaluate the performance depending on the compute capacity.

To avoid the impact of Query Result Cache we added the following SET statement to the test query.

SET use_cached_result=false;

Databricks also has a local Disk Cache to speed up subsequent queries on the same table. To avoid this speedup in our measurements we restarted each Databricks SQL Warehouse before every test query execution.

SELECT station, min(measure), max(measure), mean(measure)
FROM `1trc`.`measurements_delta`
GROUP BY station
ORDER BY station;

The test query aggregates all records from the table, hence it is I/O intensive.

Test Results

During our test runs we have achieved the following results.

DBSQL 1 Trillion Row Challenge Test Results

We have the same results also represented as charts combining both query duration and cost per query (both lower is better).

DBSQL Results Chart: Please note that these results are indicative and may vary depending on your test environment, including factors such as which cloud you use and your storage location.


In conclusion, the performance and scalability of Databricks SQL Serverless have been demonstrated. The ability to query massive tables with ease and near-linear performance improvements as the cluster size increases prove the platform’s capabilities.

We are also very proud to see that the cost for each experiment is almost identical regardless of the cluster size used. This linear cost scaling is very difficult to achieve and means you can rely on getting the maximum possible performance per $ as your data becomes increasingly large.

Even more impressive is the fact that data analysts can access this compute power almost instantly, without the need for excessive management or provisioning overhead. The inherent flexibility and on-demand nature of Databricks SQL Serverless make it a compelling choice for organizations seeking to maximize the value of their data. And, if you plan to run a query like this as part of your scheduled ETL processing, you can use Databricks Workflows with customized compute options to deliver optimal ETL cost.


The source code featured in this blog is available in the following GitHub repository.

Sample Query Profiles of the Test

DBSQL Medium Cluster
DBSQL Large Cluster
DBSQL XLarge Cluster
DBSQL 2XLarge Cluster
DBSQL 3XLarge Cluster
Data Generation Run on DBSQL 2XLarge Cluster

About the Authors

Joe Harris, Senior Software Engineer @ Databricks

Joe Harris is a senior software engineer at Databricks, focusing on performance. He has been building data systems on a wide variety of platforms for more than two decades, starting with IBM AS/400. Outside of work he likes to ride “mountain” bikes in the flattest state in America.

Andrey Mirskiy, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect @ Databricks

Andrey Mirskiy is a Senior Specialist Solution Architect at Databricks, focusing on data warehouse and analytics workloads. Has been working with various data platforms since early 2000s helping hist customers to optimize their data estates. Outside of work he likes exploring different regions of Alps mountains.



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