Data Modeling on Databricks with sqlDBM

Databricks SQL SME
DBSQL SME Engineering
7 min readJun 11, 2024
Modeling your Databricks Lakehouse with sqlDBM

Guest Author: Keith Belanger, Developer Advocate @ sqlDBM

Company Tag: SqlDBM

SqlDBM and Databricks: A Modern Approach to Data Modeling

In a modern data estate, the synergy between data modeling solutions and powerful data platforms like Databricks is critical for organizations aiming to unlock the full potential of their data assets. In this article, we will explore how SqlDBM redefines data modeling capabilities, offering a suite of features that distinguish it as a modern tool for organizations leveraging Databricks.

SqlDBM: Redefining Data Modeling in the Cloud Era

SqlDBM offers a SaaS-based solution designed to revolutionize the data modeling process, enabling data professionals to design, visualize, and manage their database structures effortlessly. With SqlDBM, the traditional, centralized, locally-installed data modeling solutions are replaced by a fully cloud-based, collaborative, and constantly evolving environment. This shift eliminates the need for self-management and isolated models, enhancing organizational collaboration. The platform’s ability to facilitate everything from conceptual modeling to physical database implementation makes it an invaluable asset for data practices focused on reducing time to market, ensuring quality, and improving visibility.

table management with sqlDBM

The Bridge to Databricks: Seamless Integration

SqlDBM’s integration with Databricks through Unity Catalog as well as Hive Engineering Clusters and offers a seamless and efficient connection that enhances the data modeling and visualization process on Databricks. This integration allows for a direct link between the catalog metadata in Databricks and SqlDBM projects, speeding up the modeling process while ensuring comprehensive visualization of data structures. Such clarity enhances organizations’ ability to comprehend their data, driving more effective analysis and insights.

SqlDBM enhances how organizations visualize and interact with their data designs. By facilitating the reverse engineering of existing catalog schemas from Unity Catalog or Hive Metastore, SqlDBM provides a detailed depiction of current structures and the relationships between tables. This capability is crucial for understanding the intricate modern data estate within Databricks.

Connect to Unity Catalog or Hive Metastore Clusters

SqlDBM also allows for the creation of multiple diagrams from the same physical structures, tailored to the needs of various domains or roles within an organization. This flexibility ensures that each team can focus on aspects of the data model that are most relevant to their work, enhancing cross-departmental understanding and collaboration. Whether it’s for teams that have not yet upgraded to Unity Catalog or for those leveraging its full capabilities, SqlDBM’s tools for analyzing table patterns and suggesting potential relationships enrich the data modeling experience. Practitioners can visualize these relationships on the ER diagram, delivering a deeper understanding across the platform.

For organizations using Unity Catalog, SqlDBM’s integration goes a step further by allowing these relationships to be physically implemented within Databricks, enhancing the operational efficiency and data governance within the environment. This streamlines the management of data relationships and provides a richer, more actionable view of the entire data landscape.

Together, the capabilities of SqlDBM and the power of Databricks form a robust framework for data management, making it easier for organizations to navigate complex data environments and leverage their data assets more effectively.

Tailored Features for Databricks Users

SqlDBM’s feature set is designed to complement the Databricks platform, addressing the specific needs of its users through modern data modeling capabilities. The platform supports a wide array of data structuring and integrity features:

  • Constraints: Through support for check constraints and default constraints, SqlDBM ensures data integrity by allowing users to define rules that maintain the accuracy and reliability of data stored within Databricks.
  • View Management: SqlDBM aids in the creation and management of views, which help in presenting data in a more digestible format, crucial for data analysis and reporting.
  • Schema Handling: The tool facilitates comprehensive schema management, allowing users to organize and maintain various schemas within their Databricks environment efficiently.
  • Table Properties and User-Defined Tags: SqlDBM provides versatility in handling various table file formats and properties, including the ability to define user tags for tables and views, tailoring data storage solutions to specific performance and processing needs.
  • Partition Management: SqlDBM enhances data organization and query efficiency through detailed management of partitions and clustering keys, a feature vital for handling the vast volumes of data typical in Databricks deployments.
  • Keys and Relationships: The platform also facilitates the design and implementation of primary and foreign keys, essential for establishing robust relational structures and enhancing data connectivity across different tables.
  • External Tables: SqlDBM supports the integration and management of external tables, extending the data architecture’s reach to include data stored outside of Databricks.

This extensive support not only streamlines data design within Databricks but also boosts overall data governance and system performance. By integrating SqlDBM’s data modeling solutions, Databricks users can maximize the effectiveness of their data architecture, ensuring a well-organized, performance-optimized, and integrity-rich environment.

Collaboration at Its Core

Agility and collaboration are essential in data teams. SqlDBM empowers teams to work independently and collaboratively.

SqlDBM’s collaborative framework allows all stakeholders to engage with data models actively. The commenting feature facilitates clear communication and iterative improvements, enabling contributions from data engineers to business analysts.

Concurrent working is supported, allowing parallel efforts on different project aspects. Branching and merging capabilities align with agile methodologies, ensuring continuous integration and delivery without disruption.

sqlDBM Project on Databricks for relational modeling

Global Modeling capabilities are crucial for decentralized teams or those adopting Data Mesh principles. This feature allows referencing data structures across domains, providing domain autonomy while ensuring interoperability. SqlDBM supports connected yet flexible data modeling by enabling seamless integration where necessary.

‘Data Governance Lite’ features enable proactive management of custom metadata and report generation, bridging the gap between business and technical perspectives. By documenting data structures, SqlDBM enhances organizational transparency and data literacy.

Integration with popular tools like Confluence and Jira strengthens collaboration. Linking data models to Confluence ensures seamless documentation, while integration with Jira aligns data design with project management tasks, synchronizing technical and broader project goals.

From Modeling to Implementation

SqlDBM supports the entire data modeling life cycle, from conceptual design to physical implementation.

Conceptual Modeling

Users define broad structures and relationships within the database, establishing a solid foundation without specific technical details.

Logical Modeling

SqlDBM helps detail entities and relationships, providing a clear database structure essential for further refinement.

Physical Modeling

SqlDBM adjusts logical models to align with Databricks’ specific technical requirements, focusing on optimal performance and compatibility. Throughout these transitions, SqlDBM’s version tracking retains every change, enabling teams to track revisions and maintain a thorough development record.

Best Practices and Standards

SqlDBM ensures adherence to best practices, supporting critical naming standards and templates to maintain consistency and clarity. The platform’s warning and error detection features proactively identify potential issues, safeguarding the deployment process.

Version Control and Integration

SqlDBM offers robust internal version tracking for models and integrates with Git repositories for managing DDL code. This dual-accessibility is useful for incorporating SqlDBM into CI/CD pipelines, enhancing operational flexibility and efficiency.

DBT Integration

SqlDBM supports DBT for transformation modeling, generating standard DBT properties and YAML files, and allowing custom metadata columns. This capability, accessible via API, enhances the utility of DBT projects within Databricks, providing a richer, more customizable modeling experience.

The Path to Cost Optimization

Effective data modeling is a strategic practice that directly influences an organization’s bottom line, particularly in consumption-based environments like Databricks. By optimizing data designs with SqlDBM, organizations can achieve cost savings through improved storage management, efficient query operations, and enhanced data integrity.

SqlDBM enhances cost-efficiency starting from the ground up, by minimizing data redundancy. Through thoughtful database design, SqlDBM assists in designing how each piece of data can be captured effectively and efficiently referenced throughout the catalog. This approach not only reduces storage costs by preventing duplicate data but also simplifies maintenance and enhances data integrity across the organizational spectrum.

SqlDBM aids in selecting optimal data types and formats, crucial for managing the storage footprint and improving query performance. By tailoring data structures to their specific uses, SqlDBM helps maintain an efficient storage model, ensuring that resources are utilized judiciously and that databases are prepared to operate effectively without incurring unnecessary costs.

Incorporating Databricks-specific features such as Liquid Clustering or data partitioning + Z-ordering further amplifies these benefits. With SqlDBM’s refined data models, organizations can leverage Databricks’ native optimization capabilities to segment data into discrete chunks based on specific column values, which is especially effective for managing large datasets and improving access times. Liquid Clustering is the modern de-facto way to optimize data retrieval on Delta Tables, allowing for quicker and more cost-effective data processing.

Databricks Sample Project

A Unified Vision

The integration of SqlDBM with Databricks modernizes the way organizations approach data modeling and data architecture. By combining SqlDBM’s innovative data modeling capabilities with Databricks’ powerful analytics engine, businesses can achieve a cohesive, efficient, and secure data architecture. In an era where data is king, SqlDBM and Databricks together offer a road to unlocking the true potential of your data assets.

SqlDBM offers a range of functionalities that can be utilized within your Databricks environment. It provides features that can support design collaboration, streamline data modeling processes, and potentially enhance cost efficiency. SqlDBM is a solution that can be used to modify your data design process within the Databricks ecosystem and offers a variety of features that can be explored to adapt to current data practices. Optimize your data architecture within the Databricks environment by using SqlDBM.

To learn more about cloud-based, collaborative data modeling for Databricks, visit



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