A wonderful world created by the legendary George Perez

6. Wonder Woman #4 by George Perez and Len Wein

Nicholas Ahlhelm
DC: A New Dawn


We lost George Perez in 2022, one of several earth-shaking deaths in comics that year. He spent years as a legendary penciler, famed for runs on New Teen Titans, Avengers and Justice League among many others. But he also developed into a superb writer in the nineties. Wonder Woman would be the book he did so on.

At this point however, he was still just plotting the book with scripts by Len Wein. Like Justice League this book was being made with another variation of the “Marvel style” — quite rare at DC. Perez would write a plot, draw the book, and then turn it over to Wein to produce the final script. Though we’re four issues in, Wein is already the second scripter on the title. The first couple issues were done by Greg Potter, most famously the co-creator of Jemm, Son of Saturn. Potter and Perez didn’t exactly gel which led to Blue Beetle writer Wein pulling double duty here for the next few months, until Perez ultimately takes over on his own.

Cover art by George Perez. Character and art owned by DC Comics, used for review purposes.

This era reboots Wonder Woman as a character new to the DCU (and in doing so creates some continuity headaches over the years ahead.) Meeting Steve Trevor does lead to her leaving Themyscira but does not lead to the strange codependent bond she had in her previous incarnation…



Nicholas Ahlhelm
DC: A New Dawn

Superhero novelist. Wrestling afficianado. Old school gamer. Books at Amazon: amzn.to/2OXodI9. Newsletter: pulpempire.substack.com