Green with power envy: Firestorm vs. Parasite

2. Fury of Firestorm #59 by John Ostrander and Joe Brozowski.

Nicholas Ahlhelm
DC: A New Dawn


Fury of Firestorm was written by Legends plotter John Ostrander at this point. He took over the title just as the crossover started, so the series in his hand so far had been focused almost solely on dealing with those events, first in battle with Brimstone and now in a battle with Parasite (still in his pre-Crisis version here.) As you can see below, the issue didn’t even bother putting its title hero on the cover.

Cover art by Joe Brozowski and Dick Giordano. Character and image owned by DC Comics, used for review purposes.

This issue still deals with the fallout of Legends, actually taking part concurrently with the final issue. The two halves of Firestorm, Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein, have been separated after a power drain. Parasite plans to keep them around so he can continually feed off their atomic power.

Firehawk arrives to even the odds, allowing the two men to fuse once again into the Nuclear Man. Angry at all the perils Parasite put them through, Ronnie is ready to kill the villain but holds back at the last possible second.

Everything in the fight is complicated by the revelation that Martin Stein has terminal cancer and won’t live through the year. He’d kept that secret from Ronnie for a while, continuing to put a strain on the two men’s relationship, all while spelling a major…



Nicholas Ahlhelm
DC: A New Dawn

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