So many Wildebeests, so little time

129. New Teen Titans #36 by Marv Wolfman and Eduardo Barreto; Teen Titans Spotlight #15 by Todd Klein and Erik Larsen

Nicholas Ahlhelm
DC: A New Dawn


The problem with concluding so many plotlines built over years of storytelling is that the writer has to develop something to replace it. Sometimes that leads to amazing grandiose storytelling. Other times it leads to the evil of the Wildebeest!

Art by Eduardo Barreto. Owned by DC Comics and used for review purposes.

The issue actually opens with a different villain, Sunburst. Starfire, Wonder Girl, and Changeling are all on his tail, but it’s ultimately an energy blast from Starfire that takes him down. Starfire injures him with the blast and she’s reminded of the dangers of her power if she doesn’t stay in control.

A businessman watches all of this and realizes that it gives him a chance to test a new technology and to get rid of a researcher that’s proven a pain for him in recent months.

The businessman goes into action in a suit of powered armor as the Wildebeest. He starts a series of robberies. When he gets to a specific location, he switches himself out with a robot double. Starfire blasts one robot to pieces.

He repeats the same process, but this time Nightwing is hurt in the ensuing battle. Raven — who has become obsessed with Dick — stays behind and…



Nicholas Ahlhelm
DC: A New Dawn

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