The all-new, all-different era of eighties justice

3. Justice League #1 by Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis, & Kevin Maguire

Nicholas Ahlhelm
DC: A New Dawn
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2023


After years of Gerry Conway emulating the New Teen Titans in the Justice League of America book, it’s hard to argue that the title might have been at its all-time low in prestige. While the quality of that era of JLA isn’t the purview of DC: A New Dawn, the mid-eighties DC fandom pretty much hated the book. As Legends dawned, J.M. DeMatteis took over the book and systematically dismantled the team at the hands of Despero, leaving…



Nicholas Ahlhelm
DC: A New Dawn

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