DC Lunacy #01 — Tone Deaf

Matt Shalvatis
DC Lunacy
Published in
1 min readFeb 11, 2020

Just like four years ago, when Bernie Sanders ran as a Democrat, the party elite expected that once he was eliminated from the race (one way or another), the youth vote would be happy to rally around a “Real” Democrat. Seems that didn’t work out so well for them now, did it? But undeterred by that unlearned lesson, it looks like they’re going for the sequel, hoping that the sequel is better than the original. But when does that ever happen?

Sadly, the “Democrat” they were supposed to rally around four years ago was not really much of a Democrat. By any objective standard, Hillary was more Republican than Ronald Reagan and George Bush the first. That’s how far the Democratic Party has sunk in the last four decades. But hey, she supposedly wasn’t as bad as Donald Trump, though millions disagreed with that assessment. So many either voted for Trump, voted third party, or stayed home instead. But it’s Bernie’s fault the Democrat’s scheme didn’t work.



Matt Shalvatis
DC Lunacy

Photographer, Artist, & Writer, on health, politics, life outside the USA, & more. A semi-retired American now residing in far off East Europe.