5 Stats on the impact of sharing Digital Credentials on a Brand’s Social Media Presence

Katharine Courtney
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2019

For anyone interested in the impact of Digital Credentials on a brand's social media presence, check out Cedly’s recent webinar on the subject for a lively conversation with Credly’s CEO and Founder — Jonathan Finkelstein, Amy Jauman — Chief Learning Officer at the National Institute for Social Media, and Brandye Barrington, Senior Program Manager at Oracle.

Inspired by their discussion and recent requests for Digital Credential related stats, we rounded up five stats on the impact of sharing Digital Credentials on Social Media for brand exposure.

  1. Oracle Digital Credentials received 200 million impressions in 2018.

Brandye Barrington Senior Program Manager at Oracle. revealed in the webinar that their team had to work hard to bring awareness of the benefits of digital badging to grow their programme.

“We’ve done a lot of work to really bring awareness of the benefits of digital badging, and now with all the promotion we’ve done, we consistently see a 60% +(acceptance rate) and 200 million impressions in the last year.”

2. The IBM Digital Badge programme has generated $39,00 worth of social media impressions — that’s over 200 million impressions.

3. IBM also saw their course completion rates increase by 694%

4. and an increase of 125% in course completion

5. Credly has issued 15 million of the estimated 20 million Digital Credentials issued to date worldwide.

Why do Digital Credentials work for IBM?

IBM is using the sharable skills format Digital Credentials provide to address the skills gap, after conducting a study that found:

  • 84% of employees at the best performing organizations are receiving the training they need compared to only 16% at the worst performing ones.
  • When teams are appropriately trained, companies save an average of $70,000 annually and receive a 10% increase in productivity.
  • As Generation Z enters the workplace, they face an even greater skills gap, where 65% of the jobs they will need to fill don’t even exist yet.

Digital Credentials provide a credible way of making the skills of their people visible in the places we look to connect with professional networks.

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Read more about IBM’s Digital Credential Programme over at Credly.com



Katharine Courtney
Editor for

Extreme internet enthusiast with a touch of Beatlemania.