Meet DC Storefront

DC Storefront
DC Storefront Podcast
1 min readMay 5, 2019

That funky consignment store with the fabulous window displays.

The shop with the overflowing sidewalk display you’ve walked by 1,000 times… but never went in.

The improbable western clothing store in an East Coast city.

The store selling food, art, and souvenirs that may just be the last connection to China in Chinatown

Did you ever wonder about the story behind these stores? Why are they there? Who works and shops there? And how do they stay afloat when customers can purchase practically anything with a click?

We have. We’re DC Storefront, and we’re a new podcast exploring the places that make a city into a community. We talk to local small business owners about the struggles and triumphs they’ve faced — and what we can learn about dealing with rapid change.

DC Storefront is where you’ll hear stories about the entrepreneurial spirit and local history of Washington, DC as told by owners of storefront businesses in DC.

