3 years at DCA & in person events

Katie Baggott
Durham Community Action Writers
2 min readApr 26, 2024

If you’d told 21 year-old me when I graduated that I would have been working in the charity sector 5 years later, I wouldn’t have believed you.

Life surprises you at weird but wonderful points. It was just by chance I saw the job advert for my role. It was at the very bottom of a charity email newsletter.

Three years on (to the day today!), I like to think my confidence in myself and knowledge of the charity sector has grown massively. I take pride in being a ‘confident introvert’ and I feel that starting my first ‘proper full time job’ in the middle of a pandemic had its challenges but also helped shaped my role and the person I am today.

Your ‘mid 20’s’ is an interesting time but I’ve always been of the ethos that if life throws you lemons you make lemonade. It’s lovely being in an office environment with people who are of different ages. I think it’s important to embrace everyone’s experiences because in my opinion that’s how you grow as a person, especially in your career.

From funding events to making bird seed balls at the Community Growing and Food Network at Wharton Park, this week has been varied to say the least! Never a dull day at DCA!

Next week includes a catch up about the next Ballinger panel, a big afternoon comms brainstorming session with Helen and Nicole, a trip out to Consett to interview two community gardens, another funding session, and a visit to meet with Brightwoods Forest School for a future social prescribing podcast — busy times ahead!

Tuesday night walk in Durham, we saw some lambs! / Community Growing and Food Network on Thursday / A rainbow after the weird weather!

In other news..May certainly is the month of birthdays — DCA staff, Mam’s 60th and Kierons! I’m also looking forward to a week’s leave at the start of May, Mam and I have booked a trip to Cornwall — bring on May! 😍

April so far!



Katie Baggott
Durham Community Action Writers

Community Resources Support Officer at Durham Community Action