Accomplishments and making progress

Katie Baggott
Durham Community Action Writers
2 min readMay 20, 2024

Last week started off quite manic but by Friday, I had completed some big projects I’ve been working on — woohoo! Looking back to last week, I found it hilarious how TIRED I was after driving back from Cornwall last Sunday night, let’s just say I felt the 11 hour trip waking up on Monday morning!! We had a really lovely time celebrating Mam’s 60th; fantastic weather, fab cottage and visited some really amazing places, bucket list worthy!!

Cornwall ❤

What happened last week?

  • We’ve had 17 expression of interests submitted for this year’s Ballinger micro-commissions (more to come!)
  • Catch up about Volunteers’ Week comms & podcast and the ESV event in July
  • National Lottery Heritage Fund funding session in June — we’re close to 80 already!
  • I’ve managed to forward plan in my diary until August and organise some files in Teams that seriously needed organising before my brain exploded

Plans for this week:

  • Monday: A visit to Burnhope Community Centre went really well this morning — very interesting to record a podcast and hear about how the attendees of the fibromyalgia and chronic pain group ‘Vitality’ find the sessions and the impact it’s had on them
  • Tuesday: Catch up with Isla about Community Energy Fortnight and Small Charities Week
  • Wednesday: Whole team meeting plus a work mental health awareness online assessment & a training numbers catch up
  • Thursday: Ballinger catch up, Volunteers’ Week podcast recording and Cree Network



Katie Baggott
Durham Community Action Writers

Community Resources Support Officer at Durham Community Action