Connections and community support for new and old.

Craig Hampton
Durham Community Action Writers
2 min read5 days ago

This week was marked by significant connections and support for various community organisations. I have had a week of engaging with several groups, each with their own unique contributions to the community.

South Pelaw Community Hub

This week, I met with the trustees of the South Pelaw Community Hub. The primary focus of the discussion was their transition to becoming a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO).

During the meeting, I had the opportunity to provide the trustees with detailed advice about the process of becoming a CIO. This included an overview of the application process, the requirements, and the steps involved.

In addition to providing advice, I also offered support with their constitution and application. This involved reviewing their current constitution, supporting their new constitution, and being that critical friend with the completion of their application.

The meeting gave the group the confidence to go away and start their journey to becoming a CIO, something they have spoken about for a long time. It was an opportunity to clarify the process and ensure they were well-prepared to make the change.

Little SENDsations

We also connected with Little SENDsations, an organisation dedicated to supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The group requires financial support for resources but has also asked for wider support around accessing other funding. This has seen DCA become an essential part of supporting this organisation.

Durham Stick Makers

This week, I had the privilege of meeting with members of the Durham Stick Makers group, a unique community of artisans, for advice on their transition to becoming a CIO.

The meeting was centred around providing detailed guidance on the process of becoming a CIO. This included explaining the application process, outlining the necessary steps, and discussing the benefits of becoming a CIO.

In addition to this, a significant part of the discussion was dedicated to exploring potential funding opportunities. The aim was to identify suitable sources of funding that the group could access to ensure their sustainability in the long term.

I was able to provide them with insights into various funding options, eligibility criteria, and application procedures. This information will be instrumental in helping the group secure the necessary resources to continue their valuable work.

Community Energy Projects

In addition to these connections, I also held conversations around community projects focusing on mini grids. These discussions were off the back of our promotion around the Community Energy Fortnight. The potential of mini grids in providing reliable, localised energy solutions seems to be of great interest to the local communities, and further support is required to see some of these projects develop and grow.

