Finding life’s silver linings

Katie Baggott
Durham Community Action Writers
2 min readJul 25, 2024

You know when you get those weeks where life hits you a curveball! — it’s been one of those 😂

From my laptop USB extender breaking to meetings being rescheduled, this week has taught me that sometimes ‘life is just life’. Sometimes the little things that add up to bigger things don’t help but realistically it's not the end of the world!

3 positives of the week:

  • We finally created the final version of the logo and flyer for the Poverty Truth Commission! I’m such a nerd when it comes to stationery and printing (you have no idea) and seeing the final version on what I call ‘proper paper’ made me really happy.
  • Hilary, Lyndsey and I planned out September’s DYK and podcast which is going to be focused on the Community Research Network — interesting times ahead!
  • As Helen is on leave for the next 2 weeks, it gives me some time to forward plan and start on our yearly comms analysis. It’s quite a long task that can take a few days to get your head around but it equates to very worthwhile data so small wins! :)
Sometimes life’s just meant to be and that’s ok. I ended up talking a different route home and stopped the car to get a drink and admire the wonderful Deerness Valley 🩷



Katie Baggott
Durham Community Action Writers

Community Resources Support Officer at Durham Community Action