Five things that happened this week

Isla Ballard
Durham Community Action Writers
2 min readFeb 8, 2024
Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash
  1. Firstly, I have finally booked a venue for the Village Halls Week Share and Learn Network meeting. The theme for Village Halls Week this year is ‘Go Green’ which is right up my street and ties in nicely with a lot of the work with been doing with community buildings and food and growing network. I now need to finalise the speakers and get the promotion text written so Helen can send out a mailing in the next few weeks.
  2. I’ve received the final bits and pieces for a CIO application I’m working on. Once I’ve the online application I will send it through to the trustees for a final review before submitting. They’ve been a great group to work with and fingers crossed for a speedy response to their application.
  3. I had a productive meeting with a lovely community group that are in a tricky situation, to talk about charity structures. I received some really nice feedback about how my advice would move them forward which made my day.
  4. I attended a webinar run by the Ethical Property Foundation on negotiating and managing leases. It was so informative and the two experts running the session were incredibly knowledgeable and managed to convey, what can be very technical issues, in a simple manner.
  5. Finally, I had had the first end of project monitoring meeting with one of our Community Spaces. I really enjoyed speaking to them about how they found the whole process and the difference that the funding has made to their organisation.

It’s been a busy but positive and productive week and I’m looking forward to what next week brings.

