Not my favourite time of year

Tracy Emery
Durham Community Action Writers
1 min readJan 26, 2024

Returning to work after the Christmas break fills me with dread every year!

I love my job and I have a happy home life, most of the time lol, but every year I dread the January blues.

This year, even though I did moan a bit, I have tried to have a more positive outlook and made an effort to be more proactive and make plans to stay organised and carry on as best I can.

Work has picked up pace this month with a number of organisations all coming forward at once looking to explore becoming a charity.

At times it’s felt like spinning plates, but now I've shared some of the work with colleagues and set myself a manageable workplan, I’m feeling good.

I’ve also had some lovely conversations this week from people making enquiries for some help and support. I’m always inspired by what people do in a voluntary role to help other people, so its made me realise things aren’t so bad and I really have no reason to hate January!

I still can’t wait for Spring though!

