Reflection time…

Helen Brown
Durham Community Action Writers
2 min readApr 18, 2024

I have spent a lot of time this week working on the end-of-year comms report — it always seems daunting before I start but once I get going with it, I always find it interesting to reflect on the work we have done.

The report looks at all our social media platforms, the website and mailings and compares data to previous years. We have been recording this information for several years now and it is interesting to see patterns emerging.

I feel as though there has been a lot of development with the comms over the past year — Katie has developed lots of new eye-catching graphics and images through CANVA and I think in particular on Facebook this has had a big impact on our reach.

The website is still attracting lots of users and it is now so easy to keep updated…simplicity seems to be working well!

We have recently ventured more into the world of LinkedIn and I am interested to see how this develops. I know a lot of people use it personally for professional networking but we are using it as a page for our organisation to promote the work of DCA so it will be useful to monitor the impact of this and any new connections we make.

Mailings through our CRM have greatly impacted bookings for training workshops and funding information sessions this year — the info@ email inbox is usually bursting at the seams for a few days after a mailing has been sent out! I think this highlights the importance of keeping our mailing lists up to date and sending concise information on one topic — in a world where information overload is regularly the norm, people seem much more responsive to a single item that is not lost in amongst a mound of other details!

We have a comms planning session booked in soon which I am looking forward to — it is so busy all the time… it is good to stop and have a think once in a while. With AI looming over the horizon, it will be interesting to see if we think this will help or if it will take over our jobs for us!

