Staying positive during a complex week

Isla Ballard
Durham Community Action Writers
1 min readDec 11, 2023

Things have felt very complicated this week.

We’re doing a lot of work with organisations around capital funding which has brought up questions about leases and land registry. These can be quite complex and when working with people to find solutions it has, at times, led to having to give people information that they don’t want to hear.

Conversations about tenure inevitably lead to conversations about governance and legal structure where one size definitely does not fit all. The different legal frameworks and what this means to trustees and how they run their organisations is intricate and can be difficult to explain.

That’s why it’s so important to build a good network of other organisations we can signpost to. Conveyancing, legal advice, lease negotiations, energy audits, accountants, are all specialisms that can offer support and information to trustees who are facing hard questions, usually around historic decisions that were made before they joined the board.

Somethings do take longer to work out and find a solution to but it’s helpful for groups to use us as a sounding board when they are dealing with these types of issues, just like I do with the team here at DCA.

Here’s hoping for a less taxing week next week.

