Sunshine after the Rain

Lyndsey Hocking
Durham Community Action Writers
2 min readNov 6, 2023

The week has been very very very WET! aquaplaning into work and back but that will not dampen my spirits (just my clothes!)

After a few weeks of feeling without direction while some reflection, evaluation and allowing space for my creativity was all going on for me, like the weather the rain has stopped, clouds have parted and blue skies and sunshine are here once again!

Some really positive, inspiring discussions around development of the Community Growing and Food Network, listening to the group members needs and the possibility of offering some more practical support that can be filtered down to all involved in the community gardens and food projects happening throughout County Durham. Knitting this together with a constant struggle of attracting and retaining volunteers, our next forum will have this as a focus of the discussion with Charlotte speaking about diversifying opportunities and the different types of volunteers that can be utilised and a virtual show around the platform how it can work for attracting volunteers.

Sparks and fireworks are firing, as different avenues to develop are coming to mind, ways to engage through the new Facebook group, taking a closer look at the volunteer opportunities on the platform and any further advice and guidance organisations require to keep going with their projects. Curiosity around how other areas are progressing with Food and Growing ecosystem approach and enthusiasm around How can we do it in County Durham? How can it all link together?

