Teamwork makes the dream work

With staff on leave and busy workloads, teamwork makes the dream work has really been my motto this week. It’s been a week full of writing narratives for monitoring, updating monthly comms stats and delegating tasks between Craig, Helen and Fiona to get Ballinger admin sorted for next Wednesday.

We had the last of our funding events this week with the National Lottery Heritage Fund which had a great turnout! They discussed organising another funding session later in the year with us too — sounds promising!

Next week includes scheduling social media & comms for Community Energy Fortnight, the Ballinger micro commissioning all day panel, creating a funding analysis spreadsheet for this year’s funding events and various catch ups with members of the team.

I really enjoyed last weekend’s afternoon tea with you all (and the cocktails afterwards) — you’re all stars⭐



Katie Baggott
Durham Community Action Writers

Community Resources Support Officer at Durham Community Action