The highs, lows and the unexpected

Tracy Emery
Durham Community Action Writers
2 min readNov 10, 2023

This week was supposed be a normal week of meetings and phone calls with groups asking for some help and advice.

For the most part that’s what happened but there have been times over the week that have caught be by surprise.

On Tuesday I went to visit an organisation to discuss the option of changing their legal structure. This is something they have been considering for a while, but had some questions to help them decide what would be the best route.

I was greeted by two lovely ladies, who made me very welcome and two gorgeous dogs who were adorable and loved lots of attention.

The meeting went really well and they felt much more informed about making this important decision, which was great.

Unfortunately, my day went a bit down hill from there.

We had no internet in the office which was frustrating, although I’m sure this is common hiccup in the process of an IT upgrade; so I headed home early and worked at home for the rest of the afternoon.

In the early hours of Wednesday morning someone decided it was ok to try and steal my car! Thank goodness for the loudest car alarm ever!! A neighbour also saw what happened and called the police. It’s reassuring to know that there are still some kind people in the world.

I was a little rattled and late for the staff meeting as I needed to wait for the police to call, but I’m so grateful for the amazing group of people I work with as they were more concerned that I was ok, rather than being late for the meeting. I even got given a new pen!

Thankfully my week has concluded without any further drama, and I’ve been able to catch up with a few people I’ve been working with. These are mainly groups that are registering as charities, but the progress they’ve made means they are a few steps closer to sorting out their governance which is great.

