When your brain and your internet crashes

Tara Hallimond
Durham Community Action Writers
2 min readNov 17, 2023

This week saw the return of my menopausal symptoms, something everyone is sick of hearing about in the office so I thought I would share it here as well. The one thing I am struggling with at the minute is memory and the complete loss of the right words. Here is an example, I was running a workshop this week on managing finance and the word ‘Treasurer’ completely disappeared from my vocabulary! I mean I needed to use this word several times in that session, and it was gone. Luckily Tracy was with me to save the day with a brilliant brain that works. Today it was the word ‘disclosure’ while writing a blog about safer recruitment practices, luckily google helped with that one. Then there was the video recording that just wasn’t meant to be because I couldn’t think and talk off script and had to follow my notes word for word. I need a menopause review soon or I may be in danger of ruining Christmas, I love shopping for my secret Santa gift but how do I know what to buy when I can’t remember who I’m secret Santa for?!… bring on more HRT.

It’s not just my brain that isn’t working this week, following last week’s update about the redesign of training, this week we delivered the new community engagement session. Although the content felt much better and our new Q&A session went really well, my internet completely let me down and I lost the zoom call at one point. Of all the sessions for this to happen, it had to be our first run of new content to the largest training group we’ve had! Typical.

Let’s hope I have more success next week, which is likely since I am only working Thursday and Friday. I am really looking forward to a few days off to celebrate my birthday (don’t worry I haven’t forgotten that) and a trip to the Christmas markets.

