D’CENT Biometric Wallet Update: UI changes for improved user experience

D’CENT Wallet
D’CENT Wallet
Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2021

[May 26th, 2021]

Today, we have released a new update for the D’CENT Biometric Wallet which improves user experience by simplifying the UI. If you are interested in finding out what changes have been made, please keep reading.

Update Mobile App

Update Biometric Wallet Firmware (v2.9.2)

To perform the firmware update, please visit: https://dcentwallet.com/support/FirmwareUpdate

Detailed instructions on performing firmware update can be found here:

Buy a D’CENT hardware wallet

What changes have been made to the UI?

There are few changes made to the UI of the Biometric Hardware Wallet and also for the D’CENT App.

Changes to Biometric Wallet

👉 Added function for the full mnemonic check
When the user creates a new wallet during the initial device setup, the user is now required to enter the full 24 recovery words to check for correctness.
(before: randomly picked 2 words were checked)

👉 Added Account menu
The Account menu is now the main folder that keeps all the cryptocurrency accounts that have been created by the user.

👉 Removed account balance information
The account balance information will no longer be displayed on the screen of the Biometric hardware wallet.

Changes to D’CENT App (using Biometric Wallet mode)

👉 Changes in the Account UI
The UI of the Biometric Wallet mode has been changed to look and feel the same as that of the UI from the App(software) Wallet mode.

👉 Added function for Hide account
Users can now pick and choose which unused account(s) to remove from the Biometric Wallet. An account can be removed from the D’CENT App only when the Biometric Wallet is connected.

Other changes

👉 New account creation with Ethereum-like address
From D’CENT Biometric Wallet(v2.9.2 or higher) and App Wallet(v.5.3.1 or higher), adding a new account for Klaytn, Ethereum Classic, RSK will create an account with the same address as that of an Ethereum account.

An old account created or existed before the update will be labeled with “Legacy” shown in the account.

NOTE: In the case of recovering your wallet, it is important to remember which type (new) or (old: Legacy) of account was created in the D’CENT Wallet.

NOTE: The Dapp browser(Discovery Tab) in the D’CENT Wallet will allow connection to a Dapp service using the very first account that is created.



D’CENT Wallet
D’CENT Wallet

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