Ethereum Dencun Upgrade: A Deep Dive into Proto-Danksharding and its Impact on Scalability

D’CENT Wallet
D’CENT Wallet
Published in
6 min readMar 25, 2024

The Ethereum blockchain has revolutionized the concept of decentralized finance (DeFi) and smart contracts. However, its popularity has also exposed limitations in its scalability. Transaction processing times can become slow, and gas fees can surge during periods of high network congestion. To address these challenges, the Ethereum development community has been diligently working on a roadmap of upgrades, with the Dencun upgrade being a major milestone.


✅Ethereum Dencun upgrade deployed on March 13, 2024.

✅Introduces Proto-Danksharding for cheaper L2 data storage.

✅Potential for lower L2 fees and foundation for future scalability.

✅Challenges include maintaining decentralization and data availability.

✅Paves the way for a more scalable and user-friendly Ethereum.

The Dencun Upgrade: A Culmination of Efforts

The Dencun upgrade, deployed on the Ethereum mainnet on March 13, 2024, represents the successful culmination of two earlier proposed upgrades — Deneb and Cancun. This combined upgrade signifies a significant step forward in improving Ethereum’s scalability through the introduction of Proto-Danksharding, a stepping stone towards the ultimate solution — Dank Sharding.

Understanding Ethereum’s Scalability Challenges

Ethereum operates on a layered architecture. Layer 1 (L1) acts as the core blockchain, guaranteeing security and immutability for transactions. Every transaction ever made on the Ethereum network is permanently stored on L1. However, L1 has a limited processing capacity, leading to bottlenecks during periods of high activity. This translates to slow transaction processing times and high gas fees, which are the costs associated with processing transactions on the network.

To alleviate these issues, Layer 2 (L2) solutions have emerged. L2 networks operate off-chain, processing transactions more efficiently and at lower costs compared to L1. Numerous decentralized applications (dApps) have migrated to L2, allowing users to enjoy faster transactions and lower fees.

However, as L2 adoption grows, the challenge becomes one of data storage. While L2 networks process transactions off-chain, they still need to interact with L1 for final settlement. This involves uploading transaction data back to L1, which adds to the overall network cost. L2 network operators, known as sequencers, are responsible for uploading this data and bear the brunt of these storage fees.

Introducing Proto-Danksharding (EIP-4844): A Solution for L2 Data Storage Costs

The Dencun upgrade introduces Proto-Danksharding, outlined in EIP-4844, as a way to address the L2 data storage cost issue. By storing only the commitment value on L1 and offloading the actual data to temporary storage solutions (blobs), Proto-Danksharding significantly reduces the storage requirements for rollup data. This translates to lower gas costs for sequencers who are responsible for uploading this data. Here’s a breakdown of how Proto-Danksharding works:

Blobs and Blob-Carrying Transactions:

Instead of permanently storing expensive data (like rollup data) directly on the blockchain, Proto-Danksharding introduces the concept of “blobs.” Blobs essentially act as temporary data containers.

Blob-Carrying Transactions:
A new type of transaction, called a blob-carrying transaction, is used to upload data to L1. However, unlike traditional transactions that store the entire data payload, blob-carrying transactions only upload a compressed version of the data, known as the commitment value. This significantly reduces the amount of data stored on L1.

Benefits and Potential of Proto-Danksharding

Indirect Reduction in L2 Fees:
While Proto-Danksharding doesn’t directly impact user fees on L1, by lowering sequencer costs, it has the potential to indirectly reduce overall L2 fees for users. Lower sequencer costs can incentivize more competition within the L2 space, ultimately driving down fees for users.

Foundation for Dank Sharding:
The Dencun upgrade lays the groundwork for the future implementation of Dank Sharding, a more comprehensive sharding solution for L1 scalability. Sharding essentially involves splitting the Ethereum blockchain into smaller partitions (shards), each processing transactions independently. This significantly increases the overall processing capacity of the network.

Potential for New Developments:
The temporary storage offered by blobs creates opportunities for new developments and services within the Ethereum ecosystem. Businesses could potentially emerge that specialize in secure and efficient temporary data storage solutions for blobs.

Real-World Examples and Use Cases of Proto-Danksharding

While Proto-Danksharding is still a relatively new technology, it has the potential to impact various applications within the Ethereum ecosystem. Here are some potential use cases:

Scalable Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs):
Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) allow users to trade cryptocurrencies in a peer-to-peer manner without the need for a central authority. However, current DEX implementations can suffer from scalability limitations due to the high cost of storing order book data on L1. Proto-Danksharding, with its ability to reduce storage costs, could pave the way for more scalable DEXs that can handle a larger volume of trades and users.

Efficient Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs):
NFTs represent ownership of unique digital assets like artwork, collectibles, and in-game items. However, storing the data associated with NFTs on-chain can be expensive. Proto-Danksharding’s temporary storage solutions could offer a more cost-effective way to store NFT metadata while maintaining security and verifiability.

Scalable Gaming and Metaverse Applications:
The rise of blockchain gaming and the metaverse presents exciting possibilities for immersive experiences. However, scalability remains a challenge for these applications. Proto-Danksharding’s potential to reduce transaction costs and improve processing speeds could enable more scalable and engaging gaming and metaverse experiences.

Beyond these specific use cases, Proto-Danksharding’s impact could extend to various other areas within the Ethereum ecosystem. As developers explore the possibilities of this technology, we can expect to see a new wave of innovative applications that leverage its benefits.

Technical Considerations and the Road Ahead

While Proto-Danksharding represents a significant step forward, there are still challenges to overcome before Dank Sharding can be fully implemented. Here’s a look at some key considerations:

Proposer-Builder Separation (PBS):
Dank Sharding introduces the potential for centralization issues. PBS is a proposed mechanism to address this challenge. It separates the role of the block proposer (who creates the block) from the builder (who determines the transactions included in the block). This allows anyone to participate in building blocks and earn rewards through a mechanism called MEV (Maximal Extractable Value), regardless of their computational resources. This separation helps to ensure a more decentralized network where block proposers cannot unfairly prioritize certain transactions.

Data Availability:
For Dank Sharding to function effectively, all participants in the network need to have access to the data they require for verification purposes. This poses a challenge, as data availability needs to be guaranteed across all shards. Various solutions are being explored, such as data availability committees and sampling techniques, to ensure that all nodes have access to the necessary data for validation, even if they are not responsible for processing a particular shard.

Security Considerations:
Introducing sharding adds a layer of complexity to the network, and security remains paramount. Extensive research and testing are ongoing to ensure that Dank Sharding maintains the same level of security as the current Ethereum blockchain. This involves evaluating potential vulnerabilities that could arise due to sharding and implementing robust security measures to mitigate these risks.

The Future of Ethereum: Beyond Dencun and Towards Dank Sharding

The Dencun upgrade marks a significant milestone in Ethereum’s scalability journey. By introducing Proto-Danksharding, it paves the way for a more scalable future with Dank Sharding. While challenges remain, the Ethereum development community is actively working on solutions. Once these challenges are addressed, Dank Sharding has the potential to significantly increase the network’s processing capacity, paving the way for wider adoption of Ethereum and its applications.

Beyond scalability, the Dencun upgrade and the upcoming Dank Sharding advancements have broader implications for the Ethereum ecosystem:

Increased Network Usage:
With improved scalability, Ethereum will be able to accommodate a larger number of users and transactions, fostering further innovation and growth within the DeFi and dApp space.

Reduced Barriers to Entry:
Lower transaction fees associated with increased scalability can attract new users and developers to the Ethereum ecosystem, further accelerating its development.

Enhanced Decentralization:
Mechanisms like Proposer-Builder Separation can help to ensure a more decentralized network, promoting fairness and censorship resistance.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that the path forward requires ongoing research, development, and collaboration within the Ethereum community. Addressing technical challenges, ensuring security, and fostering a healthy and diverse ecosystem will be crucial for the long-term success of Ethereum’s scalability roadmap.

[D’CENT Wallet]

D’CENT Wallet is created by IoTrust, a company founded by security experts with over two decades of security know-how and engineering experience in developing deeply embedded security solutions based on secure-chip technology (SE and TEE).

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