Enjoy the Ride

Malaika Karriem
DCG Life
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2020
My cousin and I on a stationed ride demonstration at Universal Studios in 2016.

There are some people who love going to theme parks to try the biggest, fastest ride in the park. I am not one of those people. I prefer to go to enjoy the funnel cakes, overly priced lemonade, and ridiculously large turkey legs I would not eat otherwise.

It’s not the fast pace or height of roller coasters that scare me, it’s the anxiousness I feel about the drops that take forever to come after you have inched closer and closer to the top of the ride and feel like you can touch the sun, and the turns that give you whiplash so strong it takes your breathe away. I prefer to stay safely planted on the ground, happily watching with my turkey leg and lemonade in hand.

In many ways, the last few months have felt like a roller coaster ride. There have been many ups and downs, sharp turns that took my breath away and slow crawls towards progress. One thing I think we can all agree on though, is part of what makes any roller coaster ride special is the journey. Here are three things I have put into practice over the last 6 months that I hope encourage you in some small way.

1. Be positive

Life is a cyclical journey. I do not think any of us ever get to a point where we feel we have it all together before life throws us another curve ball. It is inevitable. But curveballs do not always have to be bad. Sometimes life throws us curveballs that change our trajectory for the better. Maybe you didn’t get a call back from an interview you thought you nailed but had another offer for an even better position come your way or maybe you were not able to go on the vacation you have been planning and decided to use that time to make new memories at home instead. Good things have a way of flowing to us even when our “perfect” plans are interrupted. Always try to find the silver lining. You’ll look back and appreciate what you learned from that tough moment and will be glad you made the best of it.

2. Breathe

I often forget to breathe when I am on a roller coaster. Other people beside me are throwing up their hands and screaming with laughter while I am hugging the bar keeping me locked in my seat and holding my breath until I feel “safe” again.

As we navigate life, breathing is essential. Deep breathing has so many benefits. Not only does it ensure we stay alive, but it delivers oxygen to our brains to help us mentally reset, it helps strengthen our lungs and can help center us when things feel out of control. You should take some time at least once a day to take a moment for yourself and focus on your breathing.

3. Have fun

I normally visit amusement parks with my family, which means I am the person who is heavily persuaded to ride all the rides. This makes the car ride to Busch Gardens or Kings Dominion uncomfortable because all I can think about the entire way there is how I am going to tell them “no”. I get so fixated on this, that I forget to enjoy the car ride. My family is singing songs, cracking jokes, and sharing memories that I am missing out on because my view is narrowed in on one moment that has not even come yet.

Remember to just have fun. We can do our best to make wise decisions and preparations so that we have a prosperous life and a successful future, but at some point we have to make peace with the fact that only a few things are actually in our control. The best thing to do is just enjoy the journey. Whatever tomorrow has in store will still be there, so why not just enjoy today?

My family and I riding the tram at Busch Gardens in 2015.

