“Contract does not contain any serious susceptibility” says dClinic’s Smart Contract Audit Report

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VIC Rewards
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2018

Surprisingly, security is the weak link of many ICOs.

Smart Contracts often contain bugs which get discovered by hackers, and the consequence of such a discovery is not pleasant for the community of the project, which has contributed to the ICO. Blockchain projects have lost millions of dollars to hackers because of vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts.

At dClinic, we feel that we have a serious responsibility towards the people who are supporting the project and helping us make our vision of a more efficient healthcare system become a success. Therefore, we have not only given utmost importance to getting our Smart Contracts developed from expert coders, but we have also got an audit done from an experienced and reputed organisation in this space — Ofnog Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

dClinic has a single file for the project — DCLINIC.sol which contains 172 lines of code. The code, Solidity version 0.4.24, was made available to the auditors on GitHub. The Smart Contract address is 0xe667539c2e470f2da38bf1ff5d154f3af37739c7

The report’s synopsis says -

Overall, the code demonstrates high code quality standards adopted and effective use of concept and modularity. DCLINIC smart contract development team demonstrated high technical capabilities, both in the design of the architecture and in the implementation.

So, it’s good news. The Smart Contract code also underwent a manual verification, where the code was manually analysed, and every logic was compared to what was described in the White Paper. According to the auditors, the manual analysis revealed no serious susceptibilities. In a nutshell, the logic of the Smart Contract and the description of the White Paper matched.

The auditors also declared that dClinic Smart Contract has no risk of losing any Ether in case of an external attack or a bug, as the contract does not take any kind of funds from the user. Even if anyone tried to send any Ether to the address, the transaction would be cancelled, and no Ether would come to the address.

In the conclusion, the auditors had the following comments about dClinic -

Code quality is very good, and well modularised. We found that DCLINIC smart contract adapts a very good coding practice and have clean, documented code. Smart Contract logic was checked and compared with the one described in the whitepaper. No discrepancies were found.

The dClinic team is committed towards ensuring high quality standards in all aspects of the project, and the audit report by Ofnog proves that. We will keep sharing such good news in the days to come. Stay tuned!



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